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The older boy looks up and sees his brother giving him a puzzled look.

"What?" The older snaps back.

Taehyung swallows hard before starting again. "I was going to make something to eat for everyone and wanted to know what you wanted," the Omega asked gently.

Namjoon sighed and straightened himself up, he tried softening his eyes so he didn't scare his brother, and put a hand on the boy's head, ruffling his hair. "I'm fine with whatever you make Tae, you're cooking is just as great as mom's was," he said smiling.

Taehyung smiled softly up at his older brother. He wanted to ease his older brother's heart, but he could see Namjoon trying to deal with the frustration mentally rather than physically. He knew his brother, he would never cry... at least never cry again after their parents passing away.

"I'll make an old dish mom used to make us then, and I'll put my own touch to it!" The Omega said happily.

Namjoon kept the smile on his face a little longer, until Yoongi brought in Jimin who was back on the older's back. Namjoon stared at the pair, eyes going cold as ice again. Taehyung followed his brother's glare and saw a weak Jimin on Yoongi's back.

Yoongi knew as soon as Namjoon saw him, he is going to leave... again. He found Namjoon last time in the next city over, in a bar with Seokjin, an Alpha he had befriended years ago.

The pair had been drinking yet Namjoon wasn't even drunk. Yoongi remembers the conversation he had with Namjoon. He remembers the Alpha saying that he was hurt, severely hurt, by Jimin. Namjoon also told Yoongi what had happened during Jimin's heat. Namjoon said he didn't want Jimin to feel bad about it so he went after him to explain that he wouldn't be angry at Jimin, he just wasn't expecting it. He also wanted to tell the Omega that he wanted to return him to Hoseok so that Taehyung could see him as well, but Namjoon had one thing he wanted to ask Jimin, just one thing.

He wanted to ask Jimin to go out on a date.

He was going to lower his guard, lower his shielded heart, and expose himself to the Omega. He wanted to be someone Jimin could rely on, just as much as he does Hoseok. However, Jimin made it clear that he had no intentions on that. Namjoon felt that he lowered his guard too much to even have feelings like that. So, he locked his heart back up and raised his shields up again so nothing can bring them down. Ever again.

Yoongi sighed absentmindedly, not realizing that at this point, his best friend had moved from inside the kitchen area to the staircase and heading up to his room. Taehyung joined in with a sigh as well. He was so excited that his brother was talking to him, that his brother smiled at him.

Taehyung started pulling out the things he will need for their late dinner. He started filling pots with water and started grilling up vegetables. As Jimin sat at the dining table, he stared at Taehyung's back as the other moved around and went from pot to pan and back again, his mind replaying the quick scene that happened in front of him. He saw the look on the older's face as he came into the kitchen. Namjoon's smile faded so quickly, and his eyes going from gentle to hard as ice. His face going stiff as his jaw locked in place. I should have said it, I should have apologized then. Jimin looked at Yoongi who was texting away on his phone, getting an idea.

"Hyung," Jimin called out softly.

The older looked at him with a questioning look, "Yes?"

"Can you take me upstairs again?" Jimin asked.

Yoongi furrowed his brows, "Why? You said you were hungry."

"I know, but I have to see Namjoon hyung."

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