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TheRealTheoRemember when she looks at you She loved me first273,839 likes || 192,882 comments

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Remember when she looks at you
She loved me first
273,839 likes || 192,882 comments

Username: wait ... who is that ?!
Username2: is he posting photos of Brooklyn?! That's fucked up
ImSebastianStan: you are an actual piece of shit
Username4: wow ... that's super low even for you
ScarJo: wait ... that's not me
TheRealTheo: why wouldn't it not be you babe?
ScarJo: that isn't me ... I don't have that kinda underwear
TheRealTheo: I only have photos of you
ScarJo: plus isn't that your London flat ... I haven't been there
Username5: he is posting photos of Brooklyn... revenge like this is so petty
ScarJo: why are you posting her ?
ImSebastianStan: remove this you sick fuck
Username6: where is Chris ...
ChrisHemsworth: the point you are going back to this just proves who you are
TheRealTheo: I'm gonna laugh when all you look like idiots ... it's Scarlett
CaptainEvans: how about you remove this and things won't get worse
TheRealTheo: coming after me again?
CaptainEvans: you are posting private photos of my girlfriend
TheRealTheo: this just happens to be my girlfriend
TheRealTheo: listen you dumb bitch .. THAT IS YOU
CaptainEvans: nice bro ... calling your girlfriend that ... everyone around you must love working for you
TheRealTheo: she knows what I mean .. don't twist me around ..
CaptainEvans: you are a low life douche bag
TheRealTheo: just remember this douche bag was pounding it before she even knew you and she use to cry my name
CaptainEvans: she only cried your name because you treated her like a dog and smacked her around
TheRealTheo: she liked it ... she asked for it
CaptainEvans: yea all girls ask for broken bones and broken noses ... don't fucking act like we are fooled
ImSebastianStan: why don't you go back to London you British twat
TheRealTheo: you are European too you Romanian tool
ImSebastianStan: I'm not wanted for domestic abuse
TheRealTheo: you sure about that ?
ImSebastianStan: suck my left nut YOU TWAT
CaptainEvans: remove this photo of her NOW
TheRealTheo: my photo. I will do what I want
CaptainEvans: not if she didn't approve it
TheRealTheo: you sure about that?
CaptainEvans: just watch your back
ImSebastianStan: sleep with both eyes open ..
TheRealTheo: nice comment Low
TheHarLow: never call me that again and take her down
TheRealTheo: already have my dear

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