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Listen to: Vagabond by Misterwives


        I walked up to the loft pulling the doors open. Isaac and my dad are giving me a choice, either stay with Melissa or go with them to France.

        Derek sees me and smiles. I smile back but it's a sad smile.

        “You here to say goodbye?” He asks.

                “No, I'm here to ask your advice.” He nods. He goes and sits on the couch. I sit next to him my back pressing against the arm of it and my legs in Derek's lap. His hand on my thigh.

        “You know my dad and Isaac are going to France, right?” He nods.

                “I get a choice. To stay or to go. I want you to tell me what you think I should do.”

         “Don't you think my opinion is gonna be slightly bias?” He questions.

                 “Yeah, but I know you want to do what's best for me. So what should I do?” He lets out a breath.

                “I don't want you to go. But if you need to go. I think you should.” I nod.

        “If I do go. I won't make you wait. You can be with someone else. Someone stronger, someone that will make you happy. I just don't think I can enough anymore.” I look down at my hands clasped together.

        “What if you're the only one that makes me happy?” I dare to look into his eyes tears threathing to fall.

         “You could find someone a lot better than me. I won't make you hold on for me. I'm not really worth it.”

        “Emilly I don't want you to ever say that again. I don't say I love you often and when I say it. It's not something I say or take lightly. Emily, I don't care what happens. I can wait, because I love you and I don't think I love anyone the way I love you.”

        “Derek, I'm trying to break up with you.” I say tears swelling in my eyes my voice cracks.

         "It's okay, becuase I know that if you go and come back it will be like we never stopped. Because high school's only one more year right?"  He unclasps my hands and holds one of them in his.

        “I don't want to just pick up my life and leave but how do I stay here? I have no family. It hurts everyday. Thinking about Allison and Aiden. How did you make it stop?”

         “Em, there are people here who love you. Nobody wants you to leave. What do you mean make what stop?”

         “After what happened to Laura, how did it stop hurting?”

        “You want the truth?” I nod.

        “You did. You were the only one that believed me and the only person I trusted. You helped me by just trusting me and being there. Being close to me when I pushed you away so hard, just letting me know that I wasn't as hopless as I thought. I don't want you to go. But I can respect your choice.”

         “I don't think I can. I want to stay. I want to be here with you. I just don't want to think about what happened to them anymore. I lost Allison. Nothing will be okay anymore.” My voice starts cracking and tears start falling down my face. Derek brushes them away.

        “Allison would want you to be happy. That's all I want. So where ever you need to be or to go. I'll be okay with it.”

        I think about everything that has happened. It left me broken inside. But Derek's right. I need to be where I can be happy and have my life go back to normal. If that's even possible I think that only place is here. It's where the person I love is, it's where my friend are. I can't just leave. I move closer to Derek resting my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arm around me lightly running his hand up and down my arm.

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