Chapter 1: Finally Doing Something Right

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5 Years After The Wedding

Seth's POV:

"Harper, did you take Daddy's phone again?" I asked my four year old daughter.

"No Daddy. I don't have it." she said with her hands behind her back.

My life had been getting better and better every single day. With Hunter completely out of the picture, my professional and personal life was going great. I was still happily married to Dean and I couldn't ask for a better husband. He was always by my side through thick and thin, no matter what and showered me with all the love in the world. We had our surnames hyphenated so both our surnames were Lopez-Good. Our son, Tyler was now seven years old and he was an angel for us. Dean and I were really in love with him. A year after Dean and I got married, I got pregnant with our second child, Harper Nikki Lopez-Good. Nikki was over the moon when she found out I named Harper after her. She was my best friend after all. Harper was also a little angel. She was the cutest little thing ever. Unlike Tyler who had my brown eyes and Dean's blond hair, Harper had Dean's blue eyes and my brown hair. I was still working for the WWE but not as often since I had two young kids to look after.

"Harper, what's behind your back?" I smirked.

"Nothing." she said.

"Really?" I said before quickly pulling my phone out from her hands.

"Aww, you found it." she pouted, making me laugh before holding her in my arms.

"Why are you always watching princesses and ponies on my phone? I swear Uncle Roman thinks I watch this stuff." I said, making her giggle. "You should watch it on Dad's phone. Then he can get laughed at."

Harper smiled and nodded, making me laugh and put her down. We told our kids to call me Daddy and call Dean Dad just to avoid any confusion.

"We better get you ready for bed. Come on." I said.

She held my hand as we both made our way upstairs. She brushed her teeth and I helped her change into her bed clothes before tucking her in bed.

"Daddy, can you read me a story?" Harper asked.

"Sure thing Sweetie. Which one do you want?" I asked.

We both looked at her bookcase which was filled with different books. Harper loved stories.

"Cinderella." she smiled.

I got the book out and began reading to her. After about ten minutes, she fell fast asleep. I put the book down and kissed her forehead before switching off the light and leaving her room. I went downstairs and saw Tyler watching his cartoons on the TV.

"Tyler, you got half an hour. Then it's bed time for you too." I said.

"Okay Daddy." he said.

Whilst Tyler watched TV, I went into the kitchen to make a quick snack for Dean who would be coming home soon. After half an hour, I got Tyler ready for bed and tucked him in. I went back to the sofa downstairs and sat down, sighing to myself. Taking care of two kids was a lot of work. I was tired all the time and barely got any time to just sit down. But I still loved my kids and wouldn't trade them for anything. I decided to wait for Dean to get back so we could have a little time to ourselves, something we didn't get much. I decided to lay down and rest my head on the armrest, waiting for Dean to get back.


10 Minutes Later

Dean's POV:

"Yeah, I'm already home Ro. I'll talk to you later." I said before putting my phone away.

I got my keys out and opened the front door before walking in. I looked around and saw Seth fast asleep on the sofa. I sighed to myself. I usually left him waiting for me a lot. I couldn't help it. I was working more than Seth which meant I spent less time at home and usually got home quite late. I hated keeping Seth waiting for me all the time. I went to the kitchen and smiled when I saw a sandwich sitting on a plate on the counter, waiting for me. Seth always made me something to eat whenever I got home.

After eating, I went over to Seth and picked him up before taking him upstairs to our room. I laid him down and tucked him in before going to see the kids. I went to Harper's room and saw her fast asleep. I then went to Tyler's room and saw him fast asleep too. I smiled to myself. Seth always made sure to take good care of our kids and it made me feel guilty sometimes. I felt like I wasn't always there for Seth and the kids as much as I should've been. I had a day off work tomorrow so I decided I was gonna do something about this situation. I pulled my phone out and called Nikki.

"Hey Ambrose. What's up?"

"Hey, I wanted to ask, are you free tomorrow?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, Seth has spent so much time looking after the kids so I thought he could have a little day off and spend the day with you tomorrow whilst I look after them."

"Aww, you're so sweet Dean."

"I try."

"I'm available tomorrow."

"That's great. Thanks Nikki."

"You're welcome. How are the kids?"

"They're doing good."

"Okay, well, I'll see you soon."


I put my phone down and smiled. At least I was finally doing something right. I went to my room and changed my clothes before joining my husband in bed.

"I love you My Love." I said before kissing his forehead and falling asleep.

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