Chapter 28: That Laugh

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4 Years Later 

Dean's POV:

Dear Dean,

I am writing you this letter because I know you'll want answers to everything that was going on. When I went to my doctor's appointment, I was told that I should abort our baby but I couldn't do that because I knew how much you and the entire family were in love with it. They told me that I wouldn't make it after giving birth and I didn't care.

I'm sorry for hiding this fact from you but I couldn't bear to tell anyone. I couldn't deal with the heart break. I know I'm leaving the kids in good hands with you looking after them. I know they're all going to turn out to be amazing people. And now that I'm gone, you're free to notice other people. I hope you find someone who will make you as happy as you made me. I'll miss you and I'll love you forever.

Yours only, 
Seth xx

That same letter Seth gave me all those years ago, I read it everyday. To this day, it was still a shocker that he was actually gone. After his funeral, I wasn't myself for many months. Then I realized I had young kids to look after so I was able to pull myself together. Tyler was now 11, Harper was 8 and Amber was four. Tyler and Harper missed Seth a lot. They were barely able to keep themselves together at Seth's funeral but they were soon able to realize that he was now in a better place. They both helped me a lot with looking after Amber. Seth's family also helped me a lot. 

Being a single parent with three young kids was hard.

When the WWE Universe found out about Seth's death, they seemed devastated. They had #restinpeacesethrollins trending on social media. Stephanie and Vince were also horrified. They lost their best superstar and someone who was like a son to them.

Roman and I missed Seth a lot. I missed his warm smile that made me smile, his lips on mine. I missed his voice. I missed everything. But I was glad Seth was in a better place. He was finally able to get away from all the shit that was going on in his life.

"Dad, can you tell me something?" Amber asked me, pulling me out of my thoughts. 

"What is it Sweetie?" I asked.

"What was Daddy like?" she asked, making my heart stop.

"Um, why?" I asked.

"I saw all the pictures on the wall." she said, pointing to the wall with all the photo frames. "Tyler and Harper looked really happy with him. I wanted to know what he was like."

"What could I say about him?" I said, pulling Amber onto my lap. "He was the most amazing person I ever came across. He would do absolutely everything for his family and his kids. He loved everyone in his life. He would brighten up any room he walked into. He loved you so much. He gave himself up so you could be here today. He was willing to sacrifice anything if it meant keeping his kids happy."

"I wish I met him." Amber said.

"I wish you did too."


A Few Hours Later

I had put all the kids to bed so I went to bed myself. I had a photo of Seth and I on my bedside table. I sighed to myself. Again, I was going to bed by myself. I picked up the photo and looked at it as tears threatened to fill my eyes.

"I miss you. I love you so much. I hope you're happy." I said before putting it down and going to sleep.

The Next Morning

"Dean. Dean, wake up." I heard a familiar voice call.

"Leave me alone." I groaned, pulling my duvet over me.

"Dean Ambrose, you better wake up right now." the person laughed.

My heart stopped as my eyes snapped open. That laugh. I knew that laugh from anywhere. I sat up in bed and felt my jaw drop. There was no way....































Can We Save Us? | Sequel to I Hate You But I Love You | AmbrollinsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang