Chapter 7: What Really Happened

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A/N: Please do go and read my Instagram book. I also published a new Neth Bellins. I know it's been a while. I hope you like them and let me know what you think.


Dean's POV:

I looked at Seth shocked. Did I just hear him correctly?

"What?" I muttered.

"You heard me! I want a divorce!"

"But why??"

"Because you cheated on me you selfish son of a bitch."

"What? When?"

"Don't act like you don't know."

"I really don't know."

Seth pulled his phone out and showed me a picture of me kissing some girl at the bar.

"Oh that. Seth, I didn't kiss her."

"Oh really?"

"You have to believe me Seth. She came out of nowhere and she kissed me."

"How am I supposed to believe that?"

"Look, I don't have proof but you've gotta trust me. She literally came out of nowhere and she just kissed me. I pushed her off straight away." I said. "I swear on our kids Seth that I'm telling the truth."

"I..I don't know if I should believe you or not."

"I have an idea." 

I pulled my phone out and started texting. After a minute, my phone vibrated.

"I texted the owner of the bar and asked him to send the security footage." I said.

Seth came over and we both watched the footage. It showed me sitting by the bar, having a drink. Then that girl from the photo approached me. He grabbed my face and kissed me. I immediately pushed her off and she walked off. I looked closer and saw Hunter in the footage with that girl. So, this was his plan then?

"You see. I didn't cheat. Hunter sent that girl." I said to Seth. "I'll sort Hunter out later but I can't believe you said you wanted a divorce when you didn't even know the full story."

"I...I'm sorry Dean. It's just that when I saw the picture-"

"How can you say sorry? I can't believe you don't trust me and then, you straight up say you want a divorce? Like what the fuck?"

"No, I was just...-"

"Just don't Seth. We've been together over five years and you still don't trust me. You know what? Just don't talk to me for a while."

I got my stuff and went upstairs. It had been a pretty hectic day.

"Dad, what happened?" Tyler asked, standing by the door of his room.

"Nothing Tyler. Your daddy and I just aren't having a good day today. That's all." I said with a small smile on my face.

"You're not gonna...break up, are you?" he asked, tearing up slightly.

"No, we're not gonna break up. I promise you." I said, kneeling down to his height.

He nodded and I kissed his head before he went into his room to go to sleep. I looked near the stairs and saw Seth.

"Dean please, I'm sorry-"

"Just don't Seth." I said. I could see tears running down his face. "I really don't want to talk to you."

I went to my room and changed my clothes. I got into bed and fell asleep.


The Next Morning

I woke up and saw the bed empty next to me. I remembered the events of last night and sighed to myself. I got up and went to Harper's room, seeing she was still asleep. I then went to Tyler's room and saw him asleep with Seth next to him. I went downstairs and made some breakfast. I quickly ate and left the house, not wanting to see Seth.

I thought about last night. Hunter sent that girl to break Seth and I up. But why? What does he want from us? 

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