Chapter 18: His Little Babies

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The Next Day

Dean's POV:

We were all wearing all black clothes. I could understand why since our baby was dead. We couldn't really have a proper funeral so Seth and I decided we would all wear black for the day. It was hard explaining to the kids that they lost a younger sibling.

The kids were watching TV and I was making lunch whilst Seth was laying down on the couch. I felt horrible for him. Every now and then, he would look down at his stomach and rub his hand against it, even if there was no baby inside. After making lunch, I brought it all to the living room instead of the dining room. It was a pretty depressing day and I knew nobody would be up for doing much.

I gave Kevin his food before giving the kids their plate of lunch to start eating. I made a plate for Seth and decided to feed him because I knew he wouldn't eat himself. I sat him up and after much convincing, he let me feed him.

"I promise I'll make you feel better, okay?" I said to Seth, stroking his cheek with my thumb.

Seth nodded slightly before I held up his fork with some pasta on it to his mouth for him to eat. He smiled slightly and opened his mouth before eating.

"Aren't you eating?" he asked.

"I'll eat when you're done." I smiled.

Seth shook his head and took the fork out of my hand before holding it up to my mouth, making me laugh slightly.

"Seth, it's okay." I said.

"Come on." he said, smiling slightly.

I smiled and opened my mouth for him to feed me. After eating lunch, Seth seemed a little happier but I could tell he was still kinda down. After clearing up, there was a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Seth's parents, Brandon and Skyler.

"We heard what happened. Are you okay baby?" his mom asked, rushing over and giving him a hug.

"I'm okay I guess." Seth muttered. "It's gonna be hard getting over it but I'll have to at some point, right?"

"Um..Seth. I'll let you catch up with your family. I'm gotta go somewhere but I'll be back soon." I said.

Seth nodded before I kissed him.

"I love you, okay? I'll be back soon." I said.

"I love you too." he said, smiling slightly.

I gave him one more kiss before pulling away and leaving the house. I called Roman and he met up with me. We both decided we were going to take a little trip down to prison.

Seth's POV:

"So, what did the doctor say?" my dad asked.

"I lost my baby when Hunter hit me with the bat. She said because of the impact, I can't have any more kids." I said, looking down.

"I'm so sorry little bro." Brandon said, rubbing my shoulder.

"I'm trying to get over it. It's just hard. It was barely a month old. I just feel so horrible that I couldn't protect it. I couldn't save it's life. I let it die." 

"No, don't say that baby." my mom said. "Everything that happened is not your fault at all."

"It just hurts so bad." I said, looking down.

"I understand how you're feeling." mom said.


"A year after I had Brandon, I got pregnant again. But I lost it." she said.

"What? You did?" Brandon asked.

"Yeah and I was devastated. But then I got pregnant with you Colby and that's when happiness came to our family. You were our happiness Colby." she said.

"But that's different. At least you had another child. I can't."

"But you already have two amazing kids. You don't need anymore." Skyler said. "And if you really want another child, there are other options."

"I guess. I do love my kids. I just wish I could give them another sibling." I said. "Harper always bugged me for a younger sibling."

"Daddy, it's okay." Harper said, approaching me. "Dad already told us everything and we get it. We know you can't give us another sibling and that's okay. We have Alexander. I can pretend to be his older sister."

"Yeah and besides." Tyler said. "I think one younger sibling is enough. I don't need a baby crying in the middle of the night and ruining my beauty sleep."

Everyone laughed at Tyler's comment.

"Tyler's just like you." my dad said to me.

I laughed and pulled both of my kids on my lap.

"You two really don't mind not having another sibling?" I asked them both.

"It would've been nice if we did." Harper said.

"But we know we're a handful for you." Tyler said, making me laugh.

"Yeah. I think our family is complete." Harper said. "By the way, I like being the youngest. If I have a younger sibling, I'm not the baby of the family anymore."

"God, Harper is like Dean. The attention seeker." my mom laughed, making everyone else laugh.

"Aww, I love you two. My little babies." I laughed, hugging them both.

I was grateful to have two amazing kids that understood me and loved me. I knew from that point that I did something right whilst raising them both and I knew they would become amazing people in the future.

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