Chapter 15: The Footage

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That Same Day

Seth's POV:

"Dean, you're so naughty." I laughed before Dean started kissing my neck.

"What can I say, I'm a rebel." he smirked.

"Sounds like someone needs to go to detention." I teased.

"Oh really? You gonna make me?" Dean smirked.

I smirked and crashed my lips on his, sending him falling back onto the couch with me laying on top of him. Dean pulled away and flipped us around so now, I was at the bottom.

"Someone's feisty." I smirked.

"Only when I'm around my hot sexy husband." he said, making me laugh slightly before he pulled me into another kiss.

I gasped as I woke up from my sleep. I breathed heavily. This guilt was going to eat me alive. I'm betraying Dean. I'm betraying Dean by feeling this way. I promised myself I wouldn't turn my back on Dean again and I had to stick to that. All of a sudden, I started letting out loud sobs. I missed Dean. I missed him so much. I had to call him. I needed to hear his voice. I called him and waited for him to answer.

"Hey baby. Are you okay?"

"Get me out of here Dean! Please!" I sobbed.

"Seth, what's wrong?" he asked more seriously. 

"Please Dean."

"He didn't hurt you, did he?"

"No. It's worse."

"Seth, what happened?"

"I think I'm falling for him Dean." I sobbed. "Get me out of here."

"Seth. What are you saying?!"

"I keep feeling weird around him. He keeps being so nice to me and he's making me fall for him. I don't want to fall for him Dean. I love you! I don't wanna be with him! Help me please!" I cried.

"Baby, calm down. Listen to me."

"Get me out of here Dean. I don't wanna be here anymore! The guilt is eating me alive." I sobbed.

"Babe, just listen to me. Calm down. Do you have your own room?"

"Yeah." I said, wiping my tears as I sniffed slightly.

"Okay, so before you go to bed, just call me or text me. That way, we're still communicating. We don't wanna completely cut each other off."

"I miss you so much Dean. Please get me out of here. I don't wanna hurt you. I don't wanna lose you by falling for him."


"I'm so sorry Dean." I sobbed.

"....Seth, stop. Don't worry. I'll get you out of there. I promise. You telling me you might like Hunter shows me that you still believe in us and you want us to work because you're not hiding it from me so don't feel guilty. You just need to wait a while before I get you out of there. Ro and I are working on it."

"Please hurry. I can't let you go like this."

"It's okay Baby. I gotta go. I'm meeting Roman soon. Just try not to spend as much time with Hunter if you feel like you're getting some sort of crush on him, okay?"

"Okay. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. I'll talk to you later, okay? I love you."

"I love you too." I said before hanging up.

Dean's POV:

I put my phone down and sighed to myself. I really needed to get Seth out of there. I couldn't lose him to Hunter. I know he's doesn't want to like Hunter. It's all Hunters trap. He's got a charm that attracts people. Seth is falling for Hunter's trap and I gotta get him out of there before I lose him forever. I have 84 days but that's too much time. Anything could happen during that time.

"Ro, this is getting out of hand. We need to get Seth out, get rid of Hunter once and for all and his men and stop the divorce." I said.

"Do we have any evidence against Hunter? Do you have any footage or anything?" Roman asked.

"That's the problem. I have nothing." 

"There has to be something." Roman said. "We should go and check out the barn and see if we can find anything."

Roman and I went to the barn and looked around but we couldn't find anything.

"This is pointless Ro. There's nothing here."

"Yeah there is." Roman smirked, pointing up. I looked where he was pointing and saw a security camera.

"Oh my god! Ro, I love you man!" I said.

We both started looking around for a control panel or anything like that when we found a door that said 'private' on it. We opened it and saw a monitor with the CCTV footage. Hunter must've installed it all when he found the place.

We went inside and started going through the footage. I saw Seth approaching the barn before being blacked out. Then he was tied up and seemed to be there for days. In all the footage, he was crying and trying to get out of the restraints.

"My poor Seth." I said.

I saw a part where Hunter kissed Seth and he was trying to get out of it. My blood started boiling at the sight.

"That sick fucker." I muttered.

"Looks like we got our evidence." Roman said. "I'll have to cut out the parts we don't need so we can show the cops tomorrow."

"Thank you so much Ro."

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