Chapter 10: I'll Always Love You

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A/N: I feel like I'm the last person to find out that Wendy's has a Wattpad account. I literally started laughing when I saw it.


1 Hour Later

Seth's POV:

Hunter told me that Dean was looking for me. All I wanted was to be in Dean's arms again. I love that man to pieces. No matter how serious our arguments were, I'd always still love him.

"Seth?! Are you here?!" I heard Dean call out.

I felt a huge smile grow on my face at the sound of his voice but it soon faded when Hunter smirked at me.

"Seth?!" he called out, his voice getting louder, meaning he was getting closer.

He finally made it to the barn and saw me with Hunter.

"Seth? Oh my god. I'm so glad you're okay." he said, about to make his way over to me when Hunter's men stopped him.

"Tell him now." Hunter whispered to him.

I looked at Dean and then at Hunter. Then I got a horrible vision of Hunter approaching our kids and scaring the hell out of them.

"I..I'm sorry Dean but.....I...I want a divorce." I said, not even being able to look at him. I didn't want to see the heart break on his face that I caused.

"What?" Dean said. "Look, we talked about this. I didn't willingly kiss that girl."

"I know but...I don't wanna be with you." I said. It felt like a stab to the heart.

"Seth, is Hunter blackmailing you? You can tell me. I'll fucking kill him."

I looked at Hunter who was still smirking at me. He was motioning slyly to his phone, making me gulp.

"No, none of this is Hunter's fault." I said, finally being able to look at Dean. He looked defeated and that killed me inside. "I don't want to be with you because...I'm....I'm with Hunter."

"What?!" Dean exclaimed. "Seth? No, you're not like that. I know you. Hunter, I swear to god. I will fucking kill you."

"This has nothing to do with Hunter, Dean!" I exclaimed.

"But, what about our kids Seth?" Dean said. "Think about them."

I am thinking about them Dean. This is all for you and our kids.

"Look, I'll....I'll visit them from time to time." I said.

"Seth, look me square in the eye and tell me you don't wanna be with me." Dean said, making me look down. I couldn't do that.

"I don't want to."

"Seth, do it."

I looked at Hunter who was nodding. Then he glanced at his phone again. I sighed and looked Dean right in the eye.

"I don't want to be with you." I said before quickly looking away.

Dean looked at me heartbroken. I looked at Hunter who was holding the divorce papers up.

"Sign them." he said to Dean.

Dean looked at me and I just looked away. I couldn't bare to see the look of hurt on his face, Especially hurt caused by me. 

"I can't lose you Seth. You're my whole world. I love you so much." Dean said, his voice cracking slightly.

"I'm sorry Dean." I mumbled, looking down. I wanted to crawl into a hole and die at this point.

I heard Dean click the pen before signing the paper. I squeezed my eyes shut when I heard him put the pen down afterwards.

"There we go. The whole process will take a few months but then, it'll all be over with. Thanks for cooperating Dean." Hunter said.

"I hope you're happy now Seth. Just remember, I love you so much and I'll never stop." he said before leaving.

I was finally able to release those tears I was trying so hard to keep in. I cried and cried and cried.

"Seth, don't cry. I promise, I'll make you happy." Hunter said.

"Just leave me alone Hunter! Leave me alone!" I yelled at him.

"Fine, but you better be in a better mood tomorrow. We're going to my house." he said before leaving.

I sat on the floor, hugging my knees as I cried.

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