Chapter 5: That Fire Is Out To Destroy

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A Few Weeks Later

Seth's POV:

I talked to Tyler's teachers and the bullying seemed to have stopped which I was really happy about. Tyler wasn't coming home with bruises or cuts anymore. They were both really happy.

"Dean, come help me with the laundry." I called out.

A few seconds later, Dean appeared. 

"Do I have to?" he asked. "Can't we do something else?"

"No Dean now do your chores." I laughed, making him frown.

After doing the laundry, we were finally able to sit down. That was until I checked the time.

"Oh shit! We're late." I said.

"When are we ever going to get time to ourselves?" Dean asked.

"We'll never know." I said before we both left the house.

We both got in the car and Dean drove to the kids' school to pick them up. I decided to call the school and let them know that we'd be late.

"Hi, I'm the father of Tyler Lopez-Good and Harper Lopez-Good. I just wanted to let you know that we're running a little late."

"Okay, should I sent them with the man you sent to pick them up?"

"Man? What man? We didn't send a man."

"This man said you sent him to pick up your kids since you were running late."

"We didn't send anyone. Please do not give him the kids. I'm five minutes away."

"There was a man?" Dean asked.

"Yeah. I didn't send anyone."

"Me either." Dean said.

Dean and I got to the school and practically ran to the office where I saw both Tyler and Harper.

"Oh my god. I'm so glad you two are here." I said, giving them a hug.

"Who was the man that tried to take them?" Dean asked the receptionist.

The lady led us to the office area where there was a computer with CCTV footage. She re-winded the footage and when I saw who the man was, I felt my heart stop.

There was no way....

"Who is the man Daddy?" Harper asked me.

"Someone who needs to stay away from you two." Dean growled whilst looking at the screen. "How is this even possible?"

Dean and I quickly got the kids home and gave them something to eat.

"Hunter?! How does Hunter even know where their school is?! HOW IS THAT BASTARD OUT OF JAIL?!" Dean yelled.

"Dean, calm down. The kids are still upstairs." I said.

"I don't care Seth. He tried to take our kids!" Dean yelled. "I'm gonna fucking kill him."


2 Weeks Later

The kids had finished school for the year so Dean and I were off to drop them at my parents house. Dean and I were going to work for about a month before coming home to spend time with the kids.

"Okay, Dad and I will see you two soon okay?" I told Tyler and Harper.

"Okay Daddy. Bye." they both said, giving Dean and I a hug before running inside my parents' house. 

"Mom, I think Hunter may be after the kids so please keep an eye on them at all times." I said.

"It's okay. I got them." she smiled.


A Few Hours Later

Dean and I had arrived at our hotel room, quickly dumping our bags on the floor and collapsing on the bed.

"I'm so tired." I groaned.

"Me too." Dean said, laying down next to me. "Do you think I should talk to Steph about the whole Hunter thing?"

"Yeah, I don't even think she knows that he's out of jail."



Hunter's POV:

I growled to myself. I was so close to getting those kids. If only Seth hadn't called that stupid receptionist. I wanted to take them away from Seth and Dean. I knew they were their weak points. My only goal in life right now is to tear Dean and Seth apart. Why, you may ask?
























Because I'm in love with Seth Rollins.

I've loved him ever since he moved up to the main roster in the Shield. I was jealous of how much Seth loved Roman and Dean when they were together so I came up with a way to brainwash him against his brothers and it worked. When Seth joined the Authority, I was over the moon. It meant that I could spend more time with him. I didn't care about Stephanie. I just wanted Seth. Seth saw me as his everything and that gave me reassurance that I could actually have a chance with him.

Then he somehow ended up with Dean and it lit this fire in me. That fire grew and grew and now it's out to destroy anything that stands in between me and my love.

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