Chapter 14: Stupid Feelings

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The Next Day

84 Days Left

Seth's POV:

I spent a lot of last night thinking about how I felt when Hunter smiled at me. Surely it meant nothing, right? I mean, he did do a lot of shit to us but he's been showing me a sweeter side to him recently.

Stop Seth! You can't fall for Hunter! What are you thinking?! You have a husband and kids that love you so much and they need you. I need to snap the hell out of it.

I got up and got dressed for the day. I went downstairs and decided to make some breakfast. Whilst I was making some scrambled eggs, I felt two arms around my waist and a chin on my shoulder.

"Hey." Hunter said before kissing my cheek.

"Hey. Breakfast will be ready soon." I said but I couldn't stop the small smile growing on my face.

Stop Seth. Stop smiling.

But he's making me smile. I like it.

"You smell really nice." Hunter said with his face near my neck.

"Thanks." I said as I felt my face heat up slightly.

Stop it Seth!

But I don't want it to stop.

When breakfast was made, we both ate and made small talk. After breakfast, we cleared up.

"So, is there anything in particular that you wanted to do?" Hunter asked.

"Well, if you don't mind, I really wanted to go in your pool in the back yard." I said.

"No problem. Go ahead. Get your bathing suit and I'll get mine." he said.

I nodded and went to my room to get my bathing suit. I quickly changed and went back down. I went outside to the pool and saw Hunter coming outside too. He stopped when he saw me. I could feel my entire body heat up when he started checking me out.

"Stop Hunter." I laughed.

"Sorry. You're just so hot. Even after popping two kids out." he said.

I laughed and got into the pool. Hunter got in after me. 

"Seth, are you happy?" he asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you happy with me? I know I tore you away from Dean and your kids but I didn't have any other way."

"Look, of course I still have feelings for Dean. I don't think they'll ever fade away and I'll always love my kids too. And when we're talking about us, we're working on it, right? Maybe one day, I'll feel for you like I feel for Dean." I said.


Or not....I don't know! 

"Are you okay?" he asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine." I said with a small smile.

Hunter smiled at me and again, I felt butterflies. What's wrong with me?

You like Hunter! That's what's wrong with you! Wait, no I don't. Damn you, inner thoughts!

"I think we should get out. You don't look too good." Hunter said.

I nodded and we both got out of the pool. I was trying so hard to convince myself that I didn't like Hunter but that was becoming more and more difficult. I dried myself off and had a quick, shower. I changed clothes and Hunter put me to bed.

"Thanks for looking after me." I said.

"Anything for you Seth." Hunter smiled.

That damn smile! 

Stop thinking about his smile!

"Can I....I need to figure this out once and for all."

"Figure what out?"

I put my hand behind Hunter's neck and pulled him into a kiss which to be honest, surprised both myself and Hunter. I wrapped both my arms around him as I for some reason deepened our kiss.

Seth, you need to stop right now!

But I don't wanna stop.

Think about what Hunter's done to you!

But he's really sweet towards me now.

Think about your husband and your kids! They love you and they need you.

That's what made me stop. I quickly pulled away from Hunter, shocked at what the hell I was doing.

"I..I'm really tired now." I said.

"No worries. Get some rest." he said.

He kissed my forehead before leaving. I had to get rid of these feelings. I feel like I'm betraying my family. I know I still love Dean but what if I do like Hunter?

But love is stronger than like.

I groaned into my pillow, thinking about how I got into this stupid situation on the first place.

Damn you, stupid feelings!

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