Chapter 22: Adios To You!

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1 Week Later

Seth's POV:

I sighed as I looked at my over packed suitcase. Things had been looking up since we went to court. The kids were really excited about our vacation that was coming up in a week. We had been packing but it was becoming a struggle for me.

"Seth, what are you doing?" Dean asked, looking at me with an amused expression as he looked at me sitting on my suitcase in an attempt to close it.

"I'm trying to shut this stupid suitcase." I grumbled.

I got off it and Dean looked at what I packed.

"Seth, we're going to Spain, not Antarctica that you packed two woolly jumpers." Dean said.

"It could get chilly." I said.

"No it won't." he laughed, putting them back in the closet.

"Fine, but if it gets cold, I'll say I told you so." I said.

"Okay, this is just ridiculous." Dean said, holding up a big packet of water bottles.

"What? We'll need those." I said.

"Yeah, but we can always buy bottles from the stores there, you adorable dork." he said before kissing my nose. "You're so cute."

"Whatever." I said, rolling my eyes and trying to hide the smile growing on my face.

"You know, I was planning on making the vacation for just the two of us but then I figured you'd want to spend more time with the kids."

"I wouldn't have minded some alone time but I'm glad it's a family trip. It's just another opportunity to create more memories."

"Daddy, I packed my water bottles. Should I pack my hoodies too in case it gets cold?" Tyler asked.

"He's like a mini you." Dean laughed.

"It's okay Ty. You can take out the bottles and leave the hoodies." I said.

"Okay." He said before walking away.


1 Week Later

I took a deep breath as I landed on our bed in our hotel room. After quite a few hours of sitting on the plane, we had finally made it. We were all in the same hotel room with two double beds. One for me and Dean and one for the kids. 

The Next Day

After getting ready for the day, we all decided to go out and explore the place a little. Dean decided to try one of Spain's famous dishes, Paella, and he quite liked it. We were still sitting when this Spanish guy approached me. He started talking and I knew what he was saying because I understood Spanish since my father taught me.

"Hola guapo." he said. (Hello handsome)

"Um...hola." I said a little confused. Why did he call me that?

"Eres materia caliente. Debemos ir a mi casa y podríamos hacer algunas cosas si sabes lo que quiero decir." he smirked, making my eyes widen. (You are hot stuff. We should go to my house and we could do some things if you know what I mean.)

"En realidad, estoy casado. No me interesa." I replied. (Actually, I'm married. I'm not interested.)

"What does this guy want Seth? Is he lost or something?" Dean asked me. "Listen here! We! Are! Not! From! Here! We! Can't! Help! You!" he practically exclaimed at the guy since I'm pretty sure he doesn't understand English.

"He's not asking for directions." I said.

"What is he here for then?"

"Este hombre es tu marido? Usted podría estar mejor conmigo." the guy said. (This guy is your husband? You could be better off with me)

"¡Disculpa! Usted mejor mira su boca." I said. (Excuse me! You better watch your mouth.)

"What does he want?" Dean asked.

"This guy is hitting on me." I told him, making Dean's face practically turn bright red.

"You better get the fuck out of here! We've had enough of your bullshit!" he said, shoving the guy away. 

"¡Lárgate de aquí! No me interesa." I said. (Get the fuck out of here! I'm not interested.)

The guy growled and walked away.

"Yeah, get out of here. Adios to you!" Dean said before sitting down again. "Why do people always hit on you? I thought I was the hot one in our relationship."

His comment made me laugh. "What can I say? I'm hotter than you."

"Great." he said, playfully rolling his eyes. "Well, at least I'm into hot, sexy, long haired guys like you then."

"And it's a good thing I'm into hot, blond, bad boys like you then." I smirked.

"You're so hot when you yell in Spanish." he said, making my face heat up. "Next time we have sex, you better get some Spanish in there."

"You're so embarrassing." I said with a blush on my face. 

"Um....we're still here, you know?" Harper said, drawing our attention to both Tyler and Harper.

"Oh shit." Dean said.

"Dean!" I said, whacking his arm.

"Sorry." he said with a small laugh.

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