Chapter 2: Taken Seth

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The Next Morning

Seth's POV:

I woke up with the sunlight shining in my face. I looked to my side and saw Dean fast asleep next to me, making me smile. I realized I was in bed. Dean must've brought me up. I fell asleep waiting for him again. This always happened. I end up falling asleep so I never get to see Dean when he gets home.

"Hey Sethie. Why the long face?" Dean asked who was now awake.

"I fell asleep again last night." I frowned.

"No, don't blame yourself. I kept you waiting again last night. I'm really sorry."

"No, don't apologize."

"I have to Seth. I know I haven't always been there but I'm going to from now on. I promise."

"Thanks." I smiled before giving him a kiss. "I better get the kids ready for school."

I reached for my phone to check the time.

"11AM! FUCK! WE'RE LATE!" I said, scrambling out of bed and running to Harper's room. "Harper, wake up! We're-" I opened the door and saw she wasn't there. "What?"

I went to Tyler's room and saw he wasn't there either. "Shit! Where are the kids?!"

"Seth, relax. I took care of that." Dean said as he approached me. "I woke up this morning and got them both ready for school. I made them breakfast and I dropped them to school."

"'s Harper's pigtail Tuesday. She always has pigtails on Tuesdays and you can't do pigtails." I said.

"It's okay. I explained to Harper that today it's your day off daddy duties so she agreed to just have her hair let down."

"You really did all that for me?" I asked with a shy smile.

"Of course. I'm their father too. I told you I'm going to start being there for you. I'm going to help you out with the kids more. I can do simple things like get them ready and drop them to school."

"Thanks Dean. That's really sweet of you." I said before giving him a kiss. "And what do you mean by it's my day off daddy duties?"

"You have yourself a day off. Today you are not 'Daddy Seth'. Today you are 'Normal Seth'. You are going to be hanging out with Nikki today whilst I look after the kids when they get home from school. She called me now and said she's free at around 2:30 so we can spend a few hours together too."

"You've done all this for me?" I asked.

"It's the least I could do."

"Thank you Dean." I said before giving him a hug.

"You're welcome." he said as we pulled away. "But just remember, just because you're 'Normal Seth', doesn't mean you're not 'Taken Seth'. You're still 'Married Seth' and you're still 'My husband will fucking kick your ass if you flirt with me or touch me Seth'.

I laughed as he looked at me with a serious expression. "I'm being serious Seth."

"You're such a dork." I smiled.

"Come on, let's have breakfast." he laughed as we both made our way downstairs.


An Hour Later

After Dean and I ate, we had a little private time together which was the best I had felt in a while. We were now cuddled up on the couch, watching something on Netflix.

"This brings back memories of the old times." Dean said, making me lift up my head that was on his chest to look at him. "When we were just two people in love without a care in the world. No kids, no wedding ring."

"Yeah, I agree. I missed moments like this." I said before snuggling into Dean again.

"Hey, do you remember when we were cuddling one day and I suddenly farted?" Dean asked with a laugh.

"How could I forget? I didn't go near you for two whole days." I chuckled. "You better not fart now."

"I won't but I couldn't hold it in that day. I swear I could feel it building up inside me." he said, making me laugh.

"How about the time you burped when we were about to kiss?" I said. "That was just disgusting. I swear you had a big old cheeseburger that day too."

"Am I the one that seems to ruin our romantic moments by being gross?" Dean asked.

"Yep. Thank god I'm not." I said.

"It'll happen to you one day Babe." Dean smirked.

"Yeah sure." I smirked back.

I lifted my head and gave him a kiss.

"You may be gross sometimes but I still love you." I said.

"Aww, I love you too My Love." Dean smiled before kissing me.

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