Chapter 19: Just Scream My Name

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Dean's POV:

Roman and I made it to the prison and was asked who we wanted to see.

"We want to see Mr Psychotic Fucking Bitchy Asshole please." I said.

The guard just looked at me weird. "What?" I asked.

"Dean!" Roman said. "We're here to see Hunter Hearst Helmsly."

The guard let us in and led us to Hunter's cell. I growled when I saw him.

"Let me in there." I told the guard.

"I'm afraid I can't do that." the guard said.

"Let him in. What's he gonna do?" Hunter smirked.

The guard opened the cell and I walked in before pouncing on him.

"You fucking bastard! Seth lost our baby because of you!" I yelled, punching him over and over until I broke his nose.

The guard came in and pulled me off Hunter before pulling me out of the cell and locking it.

"You fucking bitch. Because of you, he's infertile." Roman said.

"Good. that was my intention." he said, holding his nose.

"Okay, you guys better get out of here before you both get yourselves in trouble." the guard said.

"No, I will fucking go to jail myself if it means ending that bastard." I said.

"Dean, think about Seth and your kids. They need you." Roman said, instantly calming me down.

"You're right. Thank god I got you to save my ass all the time." I said, making him laugh. "At least I gave him a broken nose."

I glared at Hunter. "I'll see you in court."

Roman and I left the prison and made our way to our house. I opened the door and literally felt my heart stop at the sight.

Oh my fucking god!

Seth was asleep on the sofa with both Tyler and Harper cuddled up next to him. Literally the cutest fucking thing I had ever seen in my life.

"That's so fucking adorable." Roman chuckled. "I wish JoJo would be like that with me."

I laughed and decided to take a picture because it was too cute not to. Roman decided to leave and thought it would be a better idea to see Seth tomorrow. I carried the kids to bed before picking Seth up. I started taking him to our room when he cuddled into me with a small smile on his face. I lay him in bed and changed my clothes before joining him.


The Next Morning

I woke up the next morning and saw Seth next to me. It felt great seeing Seth next to me every morning. He was my whole world and whenever something happened to him, it always hurt my heart. I started playing with his stray hairs as he slept. He looked so peaceful. He had been through a lot and I was determined to make him feel better.

After a while, Seth woke up and smiled when he saw me. He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked, stroking his cheek.

"A little. I'm getting there." he said.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I went to the prison yesterday and beat Hunter up." I said.

"You did?" Seth laughed.

"Yep, broke his nose and everything." I said, making him laugh. I had to say, I missed that laugh.

"You're crazy." he said.

"Only for you." I said, making him blush. "So....we never really talked about the whole 'you falling for Hunter' thing."

"Oh, that." Seth said.

"So you still like like him?"

"No way. He killed our child. Something in me snapped a few days ago and made me realize I was outta my mind for even feeling that way. I love you Dean and I'll always love you."

"I'll always love you too." I said before giving him a kiss. "Do you feel better, like physically?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Just asking." I said, quickly looking away. "So, what are you doing today?"

"I don't know."

"Roman is coming to see you today. Then the kids are gonna spend the night at your parents' house."


"If I tell you, it won't be a surprise."

"You and your surprises." he laughed.


Seth's POV:

Roman and I decided to go to a little cafe to talk since I was sick of staying home. We were there for a few hours before we had to leave. It was great seeing him again after so long. When I got home, I saw Dean sitting on the sofa and no kids.

"Hey Dean. What are you doing?" I asked.

He got up without a word and lifted me over his shoulder, making me let out a small yelp as he carried me upstairs. He took me all the way to our room and put me down. I looked around, shocked at what I saw.

There were rose petals everywhere. The room was illuminated with candles. There was soft music playing on the background. I looked on the beside table and saw a bottle of champagne, a bowl of melted chocolate and two cans of whipped cream.

"Um...what's this?" I asked, kinda nervous and excited at the same time.

"This is to make you feel the most pleasure you have ever felt before." Dean smirked.

"" I didn't know what to say.

"You don't need to say anything. All I need is for you to scream my name." Dean smirked before pulling me into the room and locking the door.

Can We Save Us? | Sequel to I Hate You But I Love You | AmbrollinsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant