Chapter 21: Verdicts and Surprises

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Seth's POV:

I held my breath and squeezed Dean's hand has the jury said their verdict.

"The jury finds the defendant guilty of kidnap, blackmail and murder in the second degree. The defendant will face life imprisonment. Thank you."

I let out a sigh of relief as a huge smile grew on my face.

"We won. Oh my god! We won!" Dean exclaimed, giving me a tight hug. "But, we haven't gotten justice yet."

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

Dean walked over to Hunter and literally started beating the crap out of him. It took a while but in the end, it took about four police officers to pry him off Hunter.

"Dean, I think that's enough." I said, resting my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm pretty sure I messed him up now." Dean laughed.

We saw a doctor checking on Hunter.

"He's got a few broken ribs, a mangled wrist and broken leg." the doctor said.

"Wow, that was fast." I said.

"It's quite obvious." the doctor said. "I'm a trained professional so I can spot things like this easily."

"Come on, let's go home." Dean said.

Dean and I made our way home where we were met by my parents and my kids.

"Hey, how did it go?" my mom asked when she saw us.

"We won! He got life in prison." I smiled.

"Oh? I'm surprised he didn't get a death sentence." she said.

"I'm pretty happy with a life sentence." Dean said.

"Yeah. I want him to suffer for the rest of his miserable life." I said.

"Well it's great that you both got the justice you deserve." my mom said.


1 Hour Later

"Ty, you're a weird little guy, aren't you?" I laughed as I watched him dance with the WWE blow up dolls.

"I know. It's my specialty." he smiled.

My phone vibrated. It was a text from Dean. He said he was going out to buy some groceries. I read what the text said.

"Remember when we first met in FCW? Go to where we display the major events in our lives."

I looked at the text, confused. What was this all about? FCW. Where we display the major events in our lives. I thought for a moment before gasping and getting up, going over to the wall where all our photos of the events of our lives were. I looked around the photo of when we met in FCW and found a little note.

"Yay, you found the note. I got a surprise in store for you but you're gonna need to find it. Now, go to the place where I gave you your special birthday surprise."

I smiled to myself. This was like a treasure hunt. I love surprises. Dean was so sweet. Every time I think he couldn't get any better, he surprises me. My special birthday surprise? Then I remembered. When Dean surprised me with sex in our room.

I ran to our room and looked around until I found another note. I smiled as I quickly opened it.

"So, you found the next one. Congrats babe but there are a lot more to find. Now go to the place where you hide your stash of chocolate. Yeah, I know about that 😏"

"What? How does he know about that?" I asked myself.

I went over to my underwear drawer and dug all the way to the bottom, finding some chocolate and a note.

"You're almost there babe. Can you guess what the result of our angry sex was seven years ago?"

Seven years ago? Angry sex? Oh, that was easy. Tyler was born seven years ago. The result was Tyler. I ran to Tyler's room and had a little look around until I found a piece of paper on his desk.

"I thought that note would be easy. To find your surprise, go to the photo on the wall where we first kissed."

I went over to the wall where all the pictures were and saw a little envelope tucked behind the frame of the photo of mine and Dean's first kiss at Money in the Bank. Just as I was about to open it, Dean walked through the front door. He smiled when he saw me.

"I see you followed my little treasure hunt." he smiled.

"Yeah, thanks for that. That was really cute." I said.

"Have you seen the surprise yet?"

"No, I'm about to open it."

Dean approached me as I began opening the envelope. I looked inside and pulled out four pieces of paper. They looked like plane tickets.

"Surprise babe. We're all going on vacation to Spain." he smiled, making me smile wide.

"No way." I said, looking at the tickets.

Iowa to Barcelona.

"Dean, oh my god! Thank you." I said, giving him a hug.

"It was no problem. After everything we've been through, I figured we'd need a nice family vacation."

"This is amazing." I said, smiling down at the plane tickets.

"Our flight is in two weeks so we need to get packing soon."

"Okay. I love you so much." I said.

"I love you too." he said before giving me a kiss.

Can We Save Us? | Sequel to I Hate You But I Love You | Ambrollinsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن