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Yoora felt uneasy, but quickly brushed it off. Minji was her best friend, she wouldn't tell a soul about her secret. She trusted her with her life, they had been friends for most of their life.

Yoora picked up her phone and played around, looking over old conversations on the dating app. She cursed herself for using the app, if she didn't play around with that guy none of this would have happened.

She sighed. What has been done can't be undone.

''I should stop sulking. I can't change what I did. Thankfully, Yoongi has no idea It was me, hopefully it stays that way''. She thought as she lay in bed, the blanket barely covering her body.

She looked up at the ceiling, she started counting the cracks running through the ceiling.

After a while, Yoora began snoring. She fell asleep, cuddling the blanket in her hands, with a small smile on her face.


It was the same boring routine. Yoora woke up, took a shower, put on some clothes and left the house hurriedly without any breakfast. She hated eating in the morning, hence her lack of energy in school.

In school, she walked slowly through the corridors. She was about to turn the corner when she felt herself being pushed into a room. The door slammed shut, leaving Yoora pressed against the wall in total darkness.

She was panicking so much she failed to realise the figure standing by the door, making his way towards her.

The storage room was small, but nevertheless spacious.

Yoora didn't realise the figure until her eyes adjusted to the darkness. She could make out his silhouette, not too tall, skinny boy. His hair was messy and his eyes glimmered with amusement.

He came closer until he was pressing her against the wall. She tried to feel her surroundings, but ended up knocking down a mop, earning a chuckle from the mysterious boy standing in front of her.

He looked her up and down, his eyes hungrily scanned her body.

''I didn't think it was you, I'm amused. Did you do that to impress me? Are you playing some sort of game with me?'' said the boy as he took hold of her hand.

The girl furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Who was this guy? What was he talking about?

She averted her eyes, clearly frustrated. ''Who are you?'' she asked.

The boy smirked. He put his hand on her chin, lifting it so she faced him properly. Her eyes shone with fear.

He leaned in, his breath hitting her skin, making her breath hitch.

''You're bold, kitten.'' he purred.

''You're the one who sent me nudes.''

Yoora froze. His gaze was piercing her, his hot breath making her skin itch.

''Yoongi?'' she said softly, not daring to break the eye contact.

''I overheard your conversation yesterday. I knew there was something intriguing about you,'' he said, running his finger down her neck.

She gulped. She wasn't used to anyone touching her, let alone the schools hottest boy.

He came closer, his face inches away from hers. She took in his facial features. His cat shaped eyes, his roughly styled hair, his plump, pink tinted lips. She didn't want to look away.

''So, kitten, I won't tell a soul about the nudes if you become my maid,'' he said with a smug smirk on his face.

She gulped. ''N-No way, are you kidding me?'' she muttered, clearly flustered.

He didn't take his eyes off her, she was mesmerising. He wanted to hold her tightly, he wanted to make her his maid.

He chuckled. ''Why not? Do you want the whole school to see your body?''

Yoora frowned. She could feel tears welling up in her eyes, threatening to fall.

''Don't cry, don't cry,'' she repeated in her head, like a mantra.

''Fine. Then be my friend,'' he muttered.

Yoora looked taken aback. He gave up, just like that?

Yoongi ran his index finger down her neck, until he reached her chest, with a smirk he cornered her even more by placing his hand against wall. He placed his other hand on her thigh, slowly caressing it.

She blushed ten shades of red. She was flustered, she felt like she was dreaming. Just what was she doing, in the storage room, with Min Yoongi, of all people?

She looked away, her red face covered by long strands of black hair.

He leaned in closer until his mouth was at her ear.

''We could be friends with benefits if you'd like,'' he whispered, making her gasp.

The sensation made her so flustered, she suddenly pushed him away and ran out of the room, nearly tripping over her own legs.

Yoongi grinned as he slowly made his way out of the storage room.

''I can't wait to play with you.''

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