Chapter 4

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I grabbed a cart and he took the groceries.

After doing groceries, we went to a coffee shop. His taste is nice, though. I don't drink coffees to much but this Starbucks is really amazing thing!

I ate my cheesecake, trying to calm down. Well, Jandrick has been staring at me the whole time. Damn!

I can see my chest thumping because of my hard beat of my heart. The fuck!? Am I this affected, still!? It's been years that I want to get over my childhood infatuation with him!

And finally, I gave up! I looked at him while raising an eyebrow. He blinked and looked away. Tsk! Dare to be, really!? I thought he had something to say, all his stares are killing me.

We went out as we finished eating. But in my horror, Reymar is here, one of my flings. The one that I just broke up with.

Damn! I hid behind Jandrick but it wasn't that obvious, I just walked behind him. I thought he was in the Philippines!

"Alisa?"Jandrick asked while turning to me. Oh shit! Reymar must've heard that!

I heard someone chuckled bitterly. Urgh! Reymar looked at Jandrick with disgusted eyes. Oh, don't you ever dare to look at my man like that!

Wait, my man!? The fuck!?

"One of your so called boyfriend, Alisa?"Reymar asked and Jandrick turned to him, furrowing his eyebrow.

My brows shot up when Reymar tapped Jandrick's shoulder. "Dude, you should be careful, she's dangerous"Reymar warned.


"Dangerous for only me"Jandrick corrected him. I blushed profusely at that. Did he mean this shit?

Reymar chuckled. "You got some possessive one, Alisa, huh?"he asked. Damn! I saw Jandrick smirked.

"Now if you'll excuse us"Jandrick excused. . . Err, us? I wide my eyes as he grabbed my hand by his. It's a little rough and smooth at the same time.

We marched to the parking lot. I opened the shotgun's door. Well, I don't need him to open it for me. I saw him turned around to the driver's seat and his frustrated face is evident.

I flinched when the door banged. The fuck is wrong with this guy!? Is something bothering him?

"Hey, what is wrong with you?"and finally I asked! He glared at me and saw his flaring eyes and in a blink it turned serious.

"Is that guy one of your flings again?"he asked coldly. I looked away, guilty and hurt. So, he didn't mean what he said earlier, eh? Well, who would know.

"Uh-hm"I hummed simply. My mood suddenly turned to be lonely. I don't know but now, I feel I want to end our secret and fake relationship.

I don't care if that's the case but the thought that he is just being possessive because he doesn't want to ruin. And he also want to help the company, right?

No matter what, all he thinks is the business, okay!?

"Why are you quiet? Is he really your fling or you....loved him?"he asked hesitatingly. "My business, Mr. Haniego. Don't butt in, in my life, besides, I didn't bother you who is your loved ones"I said coldly but I can never hide the bitterness at my last sentence.

I can see his jaw clenched. Oh yeah, I did this shit because I want to get over of him but it ended up this way, that I never thought to be possible. . . That I never thought my longing for him felt like this.

"I'm not like you, Alisa. I take things slowly. Besides, I already liked someone"

It was just like a knife crossing my heart into pieces. And yes, damn painful. But, I understand him. I have no right to stop him. I have no right, from the really start. I have no right because. . . Business is business, no other things should be include.

"Then my turn, do you like someone?"I closed my eyes in his question. No way, I'll confess to him. No way, I'll talk about it. . . Because I never want to. Because he is here, the man I longed for, who had a fixed marriage when he is too dumb that he said he likes someone.

I looked away. Tears tickled my cheeks. "Why should I answer? I never asked you to tell me if you like someone"I defended. I heard scoffed.

"Really then? Is it because it's me?"

Quickly, I raised my middle finger while never looking at him. Damn it! I was almost caught off-guard!

I heard him laughed. Damn, I'm too defensive! It's his fault. "I don't think I deserve that person anyway"I referred Jandrick, him.

"Everyone deserves anyone"he said. Then..... Did I deserve you, huh? And hell, I won't know. We all don't know.

"Really then?"I defensed.


"Damn it, we can't just let them observe us like a couple"I fired back at Jandrick. He is clingy and. . . Err, I don't know.

I don't want to hope by his moves and this is still undecided. Our marriage is just a start!

"Why, we are a couple anyway"he rolled his eyes. Shit! Damn it! If only you knew my thoughts, Jandrick!

"Fake"I fired back as I tried to look calm but I can't hide the bitterness of my voice. His eyes is amused, a bit and annoyed?

Err, your problem, dude!

"It's just a fixed marriage, okay? Just for business and blah blah!"I said calmly. He looked away. He bit his lip. He looked like he had a deep thoughts, that I can't reach it anymore.

I regretted what I said, but I really don't want to hope by his actions like worrying for me and providing for me for what I want. It's been year!

And we're just barely survived!

"Fine, act like enemies then, so Euphiemia won't suspect us"he raised an eyebrow. I twitched my lips. Can't let Euphiemia suspect it, huh? Why is that? Are you in love for her?

I'm affected, okay!? But how many times do I have to tell myself that this is just for fucking business, then!?

But it's okay, Euphie is my friend and I'm not possessive! I may be a bitch but I'm not a girl like that who cries for love. There are people who cried because they didn't even has a complete three meals a day!

So, No! I don't rely on my heart but my brain!

Wieee, and (cough) the timeline of this story is just like Euphiemia's but it was skipped. Now in this chapter, this timeline is one of the years that Euphiemia, ehh, suffered? Ahihihi! I still didn't decide if I'll skip some years again.

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