Chapter 39

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Happily ever after


I slowly opened my eyes because of a voice. "Wake up, we're here"he said. Confused, I stared at him.

"Are you forgetting something? We're here in the SMC shipping"he laughed. Oh. I slept while travelling?

"Oh... I completely did"I muttered. I heard his breathing. "Let's go, maybe your Dad has been waiting for us, you know"he raised his both shoulders.

I closed my eyes a bit. "Just let me sober up a bit, I just woke up, too"I murmured.

"Oh, come on. You planned this"


I opened my eyes when he held my hand and held my head to put it to his right shoulder. "Fine, I'll give you five minutes"he muttered in his breath.

I smiled. I held to his arm and slept again.


"Hi Dad!"I hugged my dad as he come to me. He laughed. "Hello.."he kissed my cheek and I also kissed his, too.

"Is Mama here?"I asked. Jandrick held to my waist. I made a sour face and Dad noticed it. He chuckled. "She's on my office, waiting"he said.

I smiled at him. "Let's go"I said and walked. "Wait for me!"Jandrick groaned when his hands got off my waist.

Oh. I'm surprised he's not nervous around my father. But maybe because my Dad is kind hearted? I'll take it as a compliment for Dad.

"Is that Alisacres? Whoa, she's beautiful than I imagined. Sir Cyril is sure possessive of her diamond daughter"

I ignored it but my cheeks flushed. Like what? I almost laughed at it. I'm beautiful? Oh my gosh like oh fuck?

"She deserve that man... Hoohhh—"

"But don't you heard? They are arranged marriage"

My mind stopped working. I want to turn around to complain about that negativity. "But they look good together"I heard again.

"Yeah, but we don't know who is the gold digger between them... I mean, they are both rich families, and the one is noble while the other one is digging riches"

Now, I'm irritated. I let go of Jandrick and went to the desk table where three girls talk. Oh. I remember this bitch! This girl is the one I met at the elevator before who asked Jandrick's number.

"Excuse me, I think you're going too far"I complained. The woman's eyes narrowed.

"It's true, anyway"she rolled her eyes. My heart bleeded so much because what she said. One is noble and the other is digging riches?

"Alisa, ignore her"I heard Jandrick. I heard Dad's shout. "How dare you talk to my daughter like that!? I'm not afraid to loose one investor, and I don't care, either. Just go away!"I widen my eyes as I looked at Dad.

He's fuming angry now.

"What's going on?"

I turned to Casey who's arms at Dhyna's waist but he let it go and ran to us. I looked at the woman who talk ill to me.

Investor? This woman is not an employee?

"I will tell my Father about this matter, Sir Cyril! You will loose money because of this!"she groaned.

How dare she! She's just a daughter of an investor in the company yet, she talks like that at the CEO? What a joke!

The girl marched out.

I heard Dad's sigh.

"Give her the money that they invested, Dad. I can't allow an evil investors in my company"Casey muttered.

"Casey, calm down"Dhyna said slowly.

"I'm sorry about this, I was just irritated at what she said"I bowed at them. "Oh god, dear. We all heard it, and she deserves that"Dad comforted me.

"I'll talk to her a bit"I heard Jandrick and he grabbed my wrist and dragged me outside.

"I'm sorry"I said it again.

"What are you sorry about?"he chuckled. Startled at his reaction, I looked at him. Immediately, he kissed me.

I gasped, remembering that we're in the public.

"Don't believe what they'll say. I won't EVER do it to you. I never want money, Alisa. Just you"he whispered.

I smiled at him. "Me, too. We already have it, I don't crave for it, either"I said.

"It's just... She annoys me"I continued. He held my cheeks to look at his eyes. It made me calm. Just by looking at it.

"They just think we're still arranged marriage until now... I will prove them how much I love you. I will prove them that not in the businesses or papers that we are married but also in the name of the god"he breathed.

My cheeks heated at his words. He hugged me instantly.

"I will marry you... I will do an interview tomorrow to say to the world that we aren't married in papers but also in hearts, Alisa"

I looked at him dumb-founded.

"Let's.. Go in.. Your Dad might've looked for you"he smiled. I also gave him a smile. I nodded and walked with his hands intertwined with mine.

We went to the office again. I ignored some mumbles of the people but it's wasn't about me but about the girl a while ago.

"You sure about that, Cyril? We'll lose a million if we kick her Father from being an investor"

"I just don't want my daughter to be talked like that behind"

"Oh, same thing here before... Years ago, Cyril. You we're just like this, old habits die hard, huh?"I opened the door. I saw Casey's sour face.

"So... You two we're bonded in fixed marriage, too?"Casey asked and I gasped.

"You two—"

"Ahihihi, yes we we're and things changed"Mom raised her both shoulders. God. I didn't know that they we're arranged marriage, too.

"I don't want to tell you two because for ma it was terrible"Mom chuckled and saw Dad glaring at her.

"Terrible? Really?"Dad groaned.

I wonder what's their story. It's interesting. "What's the story, though"Jandrick asked first so I don't need to ask.

Mom looked away. "Ehem... Uh.. Should we tell them, Cyril?"Mom said.

Dad chuckled as if the story was embarassing to Mom. "You should"Dad simply said.

"The hell? YOU tell them"


"Go! Wait! Let me go out first!"

But too late, Dad already grabbed Mom's hand and let her sit beside him. I blushed profusely at what they did.

"Hm.. First, I was drunk because of a break up, though... Then, I MET this woman in here and made love with her"Dad chuckled.

"What a horrible story"Casey made a sour face. I looked at Jandrick. He also turned to me and raised his shoulders.

"Then you we're made Casey... But then, I didn't realized it was her until WE met again to a fixed marriage. And of course, I didn't recognized her"

Fuck? The girl that Dad didn't noticed, huh?

"Then that's it..."Dad sighed

Indeed, what a horrible story. That explains why Casey has a large years gap from me.

"It's a miracle they ended up together, though"Jandrick whispered to my ear. I chuckled. It's a happily ever after, then? What a situation.

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