Chapter One

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"God damn it, Matt, just go the fuck away." Camila shouted at her boyfriend

"I don't understand why you're mad at me. I just said what I thought we both wanted." He spoke back

"I'm twenty-one years old! Do you really think I want to get married and have kids now?!? My career just started!" The younger girl yelled breathlessly. "This started as PR, but then I thought I actually might like you. Holy fuck was I wrong. We're done this is over, I'm calling management in the morning."

"They'll never allow it."

"I don't fucking care anymore!"

That day went by quickly after Camila had gone to the studio, locking herself inside with just her thoughts. 'Why the hell would he say that in an interview? Will management finally let me out of the contract? What if they make me stay?' Camila slammed her pen on the notebook she was writing in, throwing it across the room with a loud bang off the wall. With her head in her hands she began to sob uncontrollably. She had fallen asleep on the studio floor that night, curled in a ball with tears still making their way down her cheeks.

The morning sun was shining through the windows surrounding the booth Camila woke in effectively waking her. Her eyes scanned the room until it finally came upon her that she had fallen asleep in the booth. Sitting up she rubbed her eyes, sighing. The memories of the day before flooded her brain making her groan and force her to stand up. She walked over to the notebook across the room that was sitting sprawled out with one of her songs presenting its self pretty prominently. "Loving you really did have consequences didn't it?" She spoke to herself. Her phone rang effectively bringing her out of her own head. Seeing the caller ID, Camila groaned trying her hardest to answer the phone nicely. "Hello," to make it easier for the girl to get her things together and also talk she put the phone on speaker atop the stool that Camila used many times. "Hi, Camila I have some news."

"I do too, do you mind if I go first?"



"What?" Taking a deep breath Camila calmed herself so that she could talk this out reasonably with her manager and preparing for a fight. "I'm breaking up with Matthew because I just can't be with him anymore."



"Yes, okay. He isn't helping your fame, in fact he's actually probably making you lose fans anyway."

"Thank god, I really didn't think you were going to agree to that."

"Yep, I just have to talk to the label and your publicist but I have no doubt that they'll agree, just don't post anything until one of us gets back to you. Now for my news."

"Yeah, what's going on?"

"So, as you know the VMA's are coming up soon."


"What do you think about reuniting with your old group and performing?"

"Uhm, I'm not quite sure, can I think about it?"

"Of course, I just wanted to let you know. Camila, this would be really good for you and the girls alike. I think you all just need to be together again. Even if it's just for one night. I know you miss them and they more then likely miss you too."

"You know what? What the fuck, let's do it!"

"Good, I'll get back to you soon with the details."

"Okay, Maddie. I'll speak to you soon."

"Bye, Camila."

a/n- Hey guys! Just wanted to thank you for reading the first chapter of my story. I got this idea from Instagram so we'll see how it pans out. I'm going to try and post everyday but I can't promise anything. Have a great day!

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