Chapter Thirteen

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For the second time in two days Lauren woke with something warm pressed into her. The difference was that this time she knew what it was. She still couldn't see out of her left eye but her right was firmly fixed on the girl next to her. She must have turned over in her sleep because Camila was now facing Lauren with her head resting on the older girl's chest. She watched as the younger girl's chest rose and fell in the way she was breathing. Lauren fell in love with the way Camila slept, how her hair looked, how peaceful she looked while her face was completely at rest. How could you not love her? Lauren lifted her left hand to the smaller girl's face to wipe away a hair that had fallen over her eye when she had started to stir in her slumber. Then her eyes opened, those brown eyes. Lauren could get lost in them. Without thinking Lauren blurted out "You're beautiful." Camila smiled slightly before snuggling into Lauren's chest murmuring a "thank you," before yawning and closing her eyes again pulling herself into Lauren. This gave the older girl the biggest smile she could have before rubbing the back of Camila's hand with her own trying to get her to wake up. "We should get up. The house is a mess." This only make the girl groan and snuggle closer into Lauren's chest. "No really." This time Lauren pushed Camila away from her slightly to look into her eyes which were still closed.

"Fine." Camila spoke now being awake. "But I want one thing for being up this early."

"And what's that?"

"A kiss." She said smiling.

"Well I'm not sure that I can do that. You're asking a lot of me." Lauren joked.

"Oh shut up and kiss me." Camila crashed their lips together at this and almost instantly started making out with Lauren. Soon they had resumed the position they were in the day before with Camila straddling Lauren's legs and Camila without a shirt on. Lauren had reached for Camila's bra and had one clasp undone when the phone of the girl on top of her rang. "Dammit." Lauren spoke sighing. Camila only smirked and reached for her phone, making it so that she leaned down as far as she could so Lauren got an interesting view of her 'boobs'. When she picked up her phone she noticed the caller ID was her mom. "Hey mom!" Camila said happily. "What's up?" Lauren watched as Camila's face fell at the words the girl's mother was speaking making her wonder what the woman was saying to the girl who meant so much to her. "Are you sure?" Camila listened. "Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can." With that Camila hung up her phone and looked to Lauren. "That was my mom. My dad is in the hospital."

"What?" Lauren asked not knowing what had happened.

"He has... he has cancer, Lauren."

"What?" Lauren said again.

"He passed out and now he's in the hospital."

"What kind?"

"Stage four stomach. He's been doing chemo for awhile now, but there's not much more that he can do and he's getting too weak."


"I'm going to go to the hospital-"

"I want to go with you."

"Lauren you don't have to."

"I want to. You need someone else with you, I'm not letting you go alone."

"My mom will be there."


"Okay. Well lets get ready then. Do you need help with your clothes?"

"I don't think so. Just can you get something for me?"


"Just something comfortable please, and I only need one sock." Camila walked over to the small wooden dresser that Lauren had in the corner of her room. Opening the top drawer where she knew Lauren's socks were she picked one up throwing it at he blindly, without acknowledging it Camila noticed something small and purple sticking out from under one of Lauren's socks. She continued to go through the drawers before she finally got to the one where she found sweatpants. "I should probably get you underwear, huh?"

"I mean, that would be nice." Camila laughed a little before going back up to the top drawers and looking for the one in question. She had opened four drawers before getting to the one she was trying to find. "Here we go." She spoke to herself. "Do you want a specific pair?" Camila questioned before opening the drawer.

"I don't care, just something that covers my crotch." Lauren spoke back. Camila opened the drawer and what she came face-to-face with was thongs and lingerie and even more thongs. "Uhm, Lauren?" Camila said with her face turning a slight shade of red. "These are all thongs." She said this quietly, not knowing exactly how to say it.

"Oh shit. Wrong drawer. It's the one under it." Lauren just laughed at the situation. Camila had found her extensive collection of thongs and was embarrassed about it, what was funnier? Camila quickly closed the drawer and opened the one underneath it finally seeing normal underwear before picking a pear and throwing those at Lauren as well, along with the sweatpants. She then went in search for a shirt. Once she had found that drawer she wasn't surprised at the number of band t-shirts that woman owned before picking one up and walking over and handing it to her nicely. "Thanks, Camz."

Lauren got dressed after Camila had handed her the clothing. Well, her top half did. "Camila?" Lauren spoke loud enough for Camila, who was just outside the door, "I need help." As soon as Lauren said that the door swung open and the younger girl walked in coming face-to-face once again with something that made her get embarrassed. "Would you stop staring, I need help goddamit." Lauren was naked from the waist down. Camila smiled lightly before walking toward the older girl and taking her underwear from her hand. She climbed on the bed at the taller girl's feet and put one foot through the hole at a time with some difficulty with the cast on her left, while also having some difficulty focusing at the task at hand. Once she successfully got the garment to Lauren's knees the she pulled them all the way up while looking at Camila silently telling her to get her pants. "Oh shit sorry." Camila spoke instantly reaching for Lauren's pants which here next to her when Lauren grabbed her by the neck and pulled her in for a kiss which after she said, "It's okay to stare you know. I am your girlfriend."

"M- my girlfriend?"

"Well, yeah. If you want me to be."

"Of course I do." Camila kissed Lauren once again, but this time is was a kiss that sealed their fate so to say. One that meant safety and comfort.

Lauren had finished getting dressed with some help and had gotten Lauren to the car with some difficulty and they were on their way to the hospital. Who knows what would await for them when they got there though?

a/n Hi! Did you like Chapter 13? If you have anything you want to tell me you can message me here or on Instagram @giannaludlam. It doesn't have to do with the story either, if you need someone to talk to I'm here and I won't tell anyone unless you ask me. So, with that, have a nice day! Oh and thank you so, so, so much for 528 reads you have no idea how much it means to me. Have a great day/night! Bi!

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