Chapter Twenty

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Sofia had still gone with her grandfather that weekend and everything was different, everyone was different. Between having to plan the funeral and writing Alejandro's obituary while also dealing with their own grief the family was worn out. Some didn't want to deal with it, some tried and failed, some just moved on. Sofia on the other hand was just still in shock along with Camila and her mother. Camila had stayed in her room since the day Shawn was there. She'd taken the boy's advice and had spent a lot of time with the girls instead of doing the alternative of pushing them all away and closing herself off. That's what most did, they just locked themselves away and the pain ate at them little by little. The girl's didn't let that happen to Camila though, they didn't let her get into her own head. They may have just started talking again a few weeks ago, but all the pieces fell right back into place with their friendship like nothing had happened, like Camila wasn't forced out of the group, like they hadn't resented her for leaving and not fighting the management. They just were. Before everything, before the music, the fame, the fans. They were friends above all, and nothing could take that away from them. One of them needed the others and they were there, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Nothing could break their friendship, nothing.

All five girls were in Camila's room talking about various things from how she was to boys they thought were cute. At around three in the afternoon they heard the doorbell for the front door ding. "Who could that be?" Ally asked.

"We're you expecting anyone, Mila?" Dinah questioned.

"I have no clue..." Camila answered.

"I'll go answer it, babygirl." Lauren spoke standing up from where she was and heading to the source of the noise. "Hello?" Lauren said this before she opened her eyes and realized who was at the door. "Matt!?! What the fuck are you doing here?!?"

"Lauren? Who's at the do- Matthew? Let me go get my bible so I can kick his sorry ass to next week." And with that Ally ran back upstairs and came back down the stairs with her bible and Dinah to witness Lauren and Matt in a heated argument. "She doesn't want to see you dipshit!" Lauren yelled.

"How do you know that you're just a dyke who can't come to terms that one of her best friends doesn't like her like that."

"You better watch yourself." Normani yelled from the stairs where she was standing behing Ally and Dinah who all went in front of Lauren so she didn't do anything she would regret later. "Who do you think you are showing up here?" Dinah yelled now in front of the older man. Lauren was watching them for a second before she felt a tiny hand grab her own and heard a voice next to her yelling. "Hey, Matt!" Camila yelled which made everyone turn to look at her. "Don't you ever, and I mean ever, say that about my Lauren again!"

"Oh, Camila, baby. Here these are for you, I'm sorry." Matthew spoke like there was no one else in the room. Camila just simply rolled her eyes and grabbed Lauren's neck, pulling her in for a heated kiss. Just having the knowledge that Matt was staring at them made Lauren want to prove that Camila was hers, so she did. Lauren moved her hands which were at Camila's waist down to her ass ans squeezed pulling Camila's hips closer to hers as she did. The girls in the backround were either clapping or yelling to the girls in appreciation for doing that. "You bitch!" Matt yelled throwing the flowers on the ground and making a beeline for the girls. When Dinah noticed this she stepped in front of him and punched him directly in the nose. All the girls around him heard the crunch and knew Dinah had proken his nose. Matt just growled and stomped out of the house. "Don't come back!" Ally yelled from the door then slammed it shut and smiling at the girls who'd finally let go of one another. "Good job, you sinful bastards."

a/n Hey! I wanted to lighten the mood a bit with this chapter and also add in some Allysus because why not. Hope you enjoyed! Also, thank you so, so, so much for seven-hundred ninety reads. I really didn't even think I would get ten and here we are with that and seven-hundred eighty more. I don't even know how to thank you because I think you all deserve everything in the world. Hope you have a great day/night! Bi!

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