Chapter One Pt. 2

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"And that's another point for the DJ!" Dinah yelled while jumping up and down in front of her bandmates. "Hey, wait, that's no fair! You have like seven feet on all of us." Lauren complained.

"I also have Ally on my team," she retorted.

"Yeah! Wait, hey!" The smaller girl yelled. "I'm average!"

"Whatever, Mani are you good? You normally join in on these things." Dinah walked up and tapped the tip of the girl's nose.

"Yeah, I just got a call from Jess," the girl answered.

"Oh, and what did she say?" Lauren said sarcastically rolling her eyes

"Damn, Lauser you really don't like her do you?" Dinah questioned laughing slightly which earned her a look from Ally. "Sorry, Mom." Dinah said to the smaller girl, making it Ally's turn to roll her eyes.

"Well..." Normani started. "She wants us to do a performance at the VMA's."

"Awwww, cool!" Dinah yelled cutting of the girl.

"Let me finish," Normani all but whined. "She wants us to do a performance at the VMA's-"

"YEAH SHE DOES!" Dinah yelled again cutting off the girl

"Jesus Christ Dinah shut the hell up and let me finish, she wants us to do a performance at the VMA's... with Camila. As some sort of reunion thing. She already agreed to it, they're just waiting for our answer." Normani finally got out.

"Well, what do you guys want to do?" Ally questioned.

"I think we should do it. It's been over a year and I miss my girl." Dinah spoke in a small voice.

"I miss her too, but do you think it'll be the best decision?" Normani queried.

"What do you think, Lauren?" Ally spoke, looking at Lauren who seemed to be in deep thought.

"Huh, oh, I don't know. I think it would be nice. Plus, who knows, it might be fun." Lauren said toward the other three girls.

"Well, I wanted to reunite the Harminizers and Camilizers anyway." Ally joked.

"So everyone's in?" Normani asked.

"Yeah," Lauren replied.

"Sure," Ally answered.

"Well, if everyone else is I guess I will too." Dinah said smiling at all the girls.

"Alright, well let me call Jess." Normani spoke to the girls.

Pulling out her phone Normani clicked on the contact for their manager, putting the phone on speaker. "Hello." The woman answered. "Have you come to a decision?"

"Yes," Dinah spoke up.

"And?" The lady's voice came through the speaker.

"We'll do it," they all answered together.

"Good. I'll call you later with information." With that the phone hung up.

"Just so you guys know, I still hate her." Lauren said one the phone was put away.

"Well, duh, but there's nothing we can do about it, we signed a contract." Ally informed the girl.

"Yeah, when we were, what, 16, 17, and19?!?" Lauren spat back "Sorry, Ally, I am just getting tired of it. 

"I know, trust me, I know. We all are." Ally spoke softly looking at the other girls and smiling at them sweetly.

"Hopefully things will be different in the future." Normani spoke in a small voice.

"Well until then, you can all continue to admire my sexy ass," Dinah attempted .

"Maybe when we see Camila everything will change. Maybe we'll be more than strangers." Lauren said without even acknowledging Dinah's joke.

"Are you serious  guys? That was funny." Dinah questioned.

"Yeah, Lauren, maybe." Ally answered, the girls still not taking Dinah's joke into consideration, well all of them but Normani. 

Dinah rolled her eyes at the two other girls while smiling at the other girl while saying, "group fucking hug you assholes." With that Dinah pushed all of them into a hug, with each of them thinking about the same thing with different perspectives, especially Lauren. 

a/n Thanks for reading this! Instead of posing once a day I want to do one chapter a day, so the last and this one. I'll post the next chapter tomorrow. Keep reading because I have something really cool planned for you guys. See ya!

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