Chapter Eleven

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While in the car Camila had noticed that Lauren was far too deep in her thoughts. "Hey?" She said softly trying not to scare the girl. "Lauren." She spoke again. "Lern Jergi!" She said shaking the girl's arm. 

"Jeez, Camila! What?" She wheezed with her hand over her chest and her eyes wide. Those eyes those damn eyes. They could take you to a different universe. 

"Nothin' I just wanted to see your eyes." Camila spoke with a small smile fixing her eyes back on the road. "And I was not disappointed." Lauren just smiled and intertwined her fingers with Camila's resting them on the younger girl's lap as they finished their trip back to the house. 

Lauren had fallen asleep by the time they pulled into the driveway and Camila didn't want to wake her. Instead deciding to take a picture and slowly bring her out of her unconscious state. 

"We're here."


"Home. You're home." At that moment Lauren's mind began to wander. She thought of her life with Camila in their home. Not just hers. She envisioned dancing around the living room, dinners with just them in the kitchen, and the endless movie nights. She thought of little Lauren and Camilas running around the house. She thought of their birth, their first words, their first day of school, the first loves, the heartbreaks, the graduations, and being a grandparent with the girl she loved. Was that it? Did she love Camila? Did Camila love her back? "Let's go in?" Camila said breaking her out of her thoughts. Lauren just simply nodded her head and waited for Camila to bring the wheelchair around before moving. They had a bit of difficulty getting to the front door with Camila tripping on a crack in the driveway and Lauren rolling down it to which Camila had to catch her. Other than that they got in unscathed and laughing harder than ever. Once the door was opened their faces altered immensely. The sight that met their gaze was what one would describe as chaotic. There were things thrown everywhere, knives on the floor, the toaster too. There was blood spatters along the floor and wall. Most of them probably from Ty's leg but some of it was Lauren's. Just the sight of it made Camila remember the night all over again. Somehow this also brought back Lauren's memory of the night in question as well because a tear began to roll down her cheek at what she recalled. "Hey, hey. It's okay. He's gone." Camila spoke walking around to Lauren and pulling her head into her chest where she just sobbed. Not wanted Lauren to see this anymore she rolled her into her room where she helped her onto her bed. "Hey Camz?" Lauren spoke once she was settled. "Why are you still with me?"

"Because, Lauren, even with everything that has happened I will always be here for you as a friend and as anything more."

"Are we anything more?"

"Do you want to be?"

"I don't know. I think Ty has ruined that for me."

"Really?" Camila said trying to keep the sadness out of her voice.

"Yeah, I don't think that we should be together Camz."

"I- I don't understand."

"I have all this baggage and you don't deserve to have to carry it with you."

"What if I want to?" Camila was trying not to cry but she could feel her eyes start to water.

"I won't let you." Lauren spoke with tears beginning to fill her eyes as well.

"Why not?" Camila's voice was now faltering as she felt a tear drip to her cheek then soon to the floor. 

"Because you are an amazing woman who deserves to be with someone who isn't threatened by your girlfriend's abusive ex-boyfriend!" Lauren said with tears falling freely. Camila stepped toward her reaching her hand to Lauren's cheek to brush off the liquid before whispering, "I don't care about him, I just want you." That was the breaking point for Lauren, she had never told anyone about Ty before and when she said it, it broke her. She leaned into Camila's chest for the second time that night and cried. After awhile Lauren had stopped crying and just sniffled here and there. Without thinking she told Camila, "I love you."

a/n Hey! That was another interesting one to write. Sorry MK I didn't mean it. But you know you love me so hope you enjoyed it. Have a nice day! Bi!

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