Chapter Twenty-Eight

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a/n Sorry it took me so long to write this I was going through some stuff and I 'wasn't really in the mood' but I'm back and I'm gonna make it right. I'm currently writing this in class so that's fun. But I have a question, because school has started, would you rather one or two updates a week and when. I'm thinking either the weekends or like middle of the week. What do you guys think?

Camila hadn't been able to sleep that night. All she could think of was that she would wake up the next day and it would be the anniversary of the day she lost her father. It wasn't like she didn't know she was loved, it was the exact opposite of that to be honest. It's that she didn't accept the help, she didn't believe the things people said to her. Ever since the day he passed she just thought so lowly of herself every day. Either she was too heavy or her nose was too big  or she didn't deserve someone like Lauren. How could she want someone so beautiful, kind, generous, incredible, well-spoken, and did I mention beautiful? She felt like Lauren was everything she was not. And every time she'd bring up these insecurities Lauren would be there to make her feel better about herself. Every time. When the girl said she'd be there every step of the way she meant it, and it wasn't until now that she really knew that. Everything in her life was changing, she'd lost a 'friend' who she thought was like a sister to her, she constantly got into arguments with her mother, she continued to question herself, she didn't feel like she fit in anywhere, and most of all she still felt like it was a bad dream that she was yet to wake up from. She just wished everything would go back to normal but knew that it wouldn't. All these thoughts were running through her head and after the last she noticed that tears were staining her cheeks and dripping onto the white linen pillow under her head. 

"What's wrong?" Camila heard a raspy voice behind her answer in a sleepy voice that was laced in concern "Camila you're crying." 

"No, I'm not, I'm fine" Camila quickly said turning her head and wiping away the tears that still rested on her face. 

"Camz, you need to talk to me. You know what happens when you don't. You can't just sit here and let your thoughts run wild." Lauren spoke now sitting up on her forearm while rubbing Camila's left arm with her hand. "Please."

"Tomorrow's the anniversary of that day."

"Yeah," Lauren said with a sigh. "I know. But you know what else I know?" She asked making Camila turn to face her. "I know that you'll make it though, because that's what you do, that's what we do. Something get's thrown at us and we throw it back because that's just what we do. Things suck right now, I know, and I'm sorry. But, I'll be here with you every second tomorrow. We can even go do something if you want to. Something he would like, something you guys did together, or we can stay home."

"We always used to go to the movies with Sofia."

"Okay let's do that than." Lauren spoke hopefully to which Camila gave a slight nod while still looking over at her sadly. "Can we go to sleep now?"

"Yeah, I think so." Camila said and began to cuddle into Lauren. "I love you Lolo."

"I love you too, Camz."

a/n Thanks for putting up with waiting this long. I swear I didn't mean it. I'll try to get back onto a schedule. Comment up top or down here and let me know when you think I should post and how many times a week. I hope you have a nice day/night. Bi!

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