Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A/N Hey, guys, I don't have any words to express how sorry I am for not posting in like 15674152 years. But here I am! So, I promised that the next one would be extra long and I did not hold to that. Which is a total dick move. I normally don't break promises. So to mend my breaking of the said promise. I will write an amazing next chapter. I don't think you're ready. Just to prepare you and to give you some background on this next chapter. I'm kind of going back in time for a bit. If you remember what I said in the last about Camila losing a friend she thought was like her sister. I am going to explain that here. So we're going to go back to that night. Another thing I wanted to talk to you about was doing a Q and A. If you guys wanted to comment or message me questions I would be happy to answer and post a chapter of just the questions and answers with your question, my answer, and your name so people know who the awesome question came from. If you do not want your name shown please let me know and I will not. I will do however you guys, please. That's how I am in all of my relationships. And I treat this here as a relationship because we're all friends... right? Okay, enough rambling, let's get into the story!

After falling asleep that night Camila dreamt about the night she lost her 'best friend.' She'd known nothing different in her life. This girl had been a part of her life since she was well... born. Now, whether she had been a good part or bad part Camila didn't know. At least then she didn't. She was blinded by the thought that she needed friends. No matter how they treated her. It was only last week that she really started to think about it. And even though, she wouldn't have started to think if they hadn't gotten into another one of their petty arguments. In reality, thinking about it now makes her thankful for the friends and people in her life she has now. Taylor, Dinah, Ariana, Normani, Ally, and of course her beautiful girlfriend Lauren. But, back to the story. Camila had woken up crying many times after dreaming of this day. And each time Lauren had been there to comfort her back to sleep. Since then she'd blocked Andrea on every social media and on her phone. She'd thought about her and the fight pretty much every day to say the least. She almost texted her a few times, but after slight thought decided against it. How could she text someone and apologize for what she did when she wasn't the one who ruined the friendship in the first place. She could never subject herself to that. No matter how low she thought of herself. Now I'm not going to lie and say that she never felt guilty, she felt guilty about it every day that they weren't still 'friends,' but Camila had to remember that it was not her fault. And she needed to do it for her.

When they were still friends, Andrea was a bad influence on Camila. Camila would act out more often and be rude or mean to other people. Along with being egotistical and treating others horribly, to put it simply. The worst of it was that she thought people liked her for making fun of other people. She thought that it was okay because everyone else was doing it. Well, let me give you a token of advice. If someone is hurting someone else's feelings or making them doubt themselves, it is not 'cool.' Though, what does it really mean to be cool these days? To have people like you? Well, wouldn't everyone be cool then? In that case, wouldn't everyone be cool? Exactly, yes! We're all 'cool.' We don't need the validation from others to say that we're cool. Because we know we are. And so was Camila. She had friends that liked her. But she took them for granted. A few started talking be behind her back. Others became 'fake friends' and just pretended to like you. And the rest just stop being friends with her. And the sad part was, she lost everyone, yet she didn't know. Because she was so in her head about losing her dad and trying to keep the one friend who didn't care. She thought that if she impressed that one person that she'd be set for life. She'd be happy. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. Camila lost everything.

After the fight with her friend, she realized that she really had lost everyone and everything she loved in her life. She didn't have the friends she used to because of her behavior toward them, she didn't have her father, she didn't have much of anything. Yeah, she had money. But as the saying goes, 'money can't buy happiness.' Camila learned the true meaning of this because with money came sorrow. She looked for new friends, new people, but failed at every turn by seeing that people only wanted her for the dollar signs she looked at in her bank account which she could care less about. As time passed she actually became friends with the group of people she'd treated horribly again. Apologizing and making up for it in the time coming. She was really trying. Every day she tried a bit harder. Every time she messed up she hated herself. She knew that she could do better and got upset with herself every time it happened. She made a promise to herself that she would never do that to anyone else again... ever. 

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