Chapter Twenty-Two

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"We heard you needed us," the shorter woman with dark hair spoke in a soft voice. "I'm Miss Hernandez, Ally's mother."

"I'm Miss Hansen, Dinah's mother," the woman who was standing next to Miss Hernandez spoke smiling toward the girl.

"I guess that just leaves me," the third woman who was standing behind Camila spoke causing the girl turn her head to look at her. "I'm Miss Hamilton, Nomani's mom."

"Where's Clara?" Sinu asked confused.

"Oh, sorry, I was getting pizza for us. I know us moms are hungry, what about you?" Miss Jauregui's suddenly spoke from behind the other four girls appearing with three boxes of pizza in her hands. "How are you sweetie?"  

"What are you guys doing here?" Camila asked finally regaining her senses. 

"Clara and I called them, we're all worried about you, sweetheart." Sinu answered.

"You told them all about me?!" Camila half-questioned getting angry at her mother.

"Camz, we're all here for you." Lauren stepped in.

"And you let them do this?!"

"Camila, you need help."

"No I don't!" Camila yelled with new tears streaming down her face while she pounded on Lauren's chest with her fists. Lauren nodded to Sinu who stood up walking with the other girls and their mothers along with Clara to the living room while Lauren stood with Camila in her arms who finally had stopped hitting her and opted to grab her jacket and pull her closer and cry into Lauren. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Camila said between sobs. Lauren just continued to hold her and rub her head soothingly letting her get out anything she needed. "No, I'm sorry Camila. I should have been there for you, I shouldn't have let you do this alone, I should've read the signs. I should have known..." Lauren told her. Lauren hadn't noticed the tears now rolling down her face as she still held her girlfriend in her arms until she felt a hand rub across her cheek to wipe it off. "It wasn't your fault, I pushed  you away, I pushed you all away!" Camila spoke now looking Lauren in the eyes. 

"But I shouldn't have-"

"It's okay."

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"I doubt that."

"Do you now?" Camila contested attaching her lips to Lauren's. 

"Is this how you tell your mother's that you're together?" The girls immediately looked behind them and seen Clara and Sinu staring at them with amused expressions.

"Camila, I see you're feeling better." Sinu spoke, laughing slightly. "Will you two come into the living room with us?" They nodded and followed their mothers to where the six others were waiting. "Would you guys sit on the couch?" The two looked around skeptically before doing what they were asked. Their parents were standing in front of them while Dinah, Normani, and Ally were sitting off to the side. "Miss Hansen, Miss Hernandez, Miss Hamilton, Miss Jauregui, and I have been talking in the time you two have been in the kitchen. And we've decided well, Camila, we think you should see a professional."

"You want me to go to a therapist?" Camila asked, not believing what she'd heard her mother say. "Did you know about this," she asked now turning to Lauren.

"No, Camz, I swear."

"There's someone around here that can see you, her name is Dr. Lahney." Sinu spoke again.

"Mom, can I talk to you elsewhere?"

"Of course." Camila stood and walked out of the living room to the dining room on the other side of the house with her mother following closely behind her.


"Why what?"

"Why are you making me see some- some shrink!"

"Because I you can't live like this, this isn't you."

"How do you know it isn't, maybe it is and I'm just now showing it to you. How do you know I just don't like to spend time alone in my room?"

"Mija, listen to yourself. You need help!"

"Why can't you help me?! Why do I have to rely on some stranger instead of my mother?!"

"Because I can't lose you too!"

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