Chapter Eight

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"Camila," Lauren whined. It was three days since she had agreed to go on a date with the younger girl and Lauren now walked down the streets of Miami with a blindfold, or just a tie Camila stole from Lauren's closet, over her eyes. "Can you please tell me where we're going?" Lauren asked, knowing she had lost the fight in taking off the blindfold. "Nope, all I am going to tell you is that after we go there, you'll never be the same." 

"Quoting our own song lyrics now are we?"

"Maybe. Or maybe she likes control and is scared when seh doesn't have it." Camila answered darkly.

"I knew those songs were about me!" Lauren all but shouted fist pumping into the air around her hoping not to punch someone, or Camila.

"Well who else would they be about? Have you seen me date anyone else?"

"Well, you were dating Matt." Lauren said in almost a whisper, but Camila heard her.

"Dating is a strong word." Camila chuckled a bit turning Lauren by her shoulders to turn the next corner. "He was ten years older than me. And I'll let you in on a secret." Camila turned Lauren to face her even though she still had the tie over her eyes, leaned in close with her lips hovering over her ear. "He has a small dick." she whispered to the older girl, who smiled in response and reached her hand up to Camila's cheek, missing by a mile. Camila reached her hand up to Lauren's and placed it on the aforementioned destination. Lauren leaned in, trying to find Camila's lips to kiss her. The smaller girl shifted herself in order to catch Lauren's lips on her own. Lauren smiled into the kiss and spoke softly, "well, you don't really have to worry about that with me, do you?" 

"Nope." Camila answered popping the 'p' for extra 'effect' so she would say. She turned the other girl around earning a groan from her and continued walking. 

Lauren would have said the destination was four miles away while Camila would have told you it was four blocks, but once they arrived Camila's words were true, Lauren really would never be the same. Camila slowly removed the tie off of Lauren's face and allowed her to scan the convention center. When her eyes landed on a piece of paper saying what was happening that night. 'Lana Del Ray with special guest'. Lauren turned to Camila wide eyed and jaw dropped. "You didn't."

"I did." Camila said holding up the tickets. "I also got you and I VIP tickets, we can go backstage, meet Lana, and we sit front row." 

"What. The. Fuck. Is. Life?" Lauren spoke excentuating each word then giving Camila the biggest hug she could muster. When Lauren let her go Camila asked, "so you like it?"

"I love it!" Lauren said with the biggest smile Camila had ever seen plastered on her face. 

"Well come on. Don't you want to meet her?" Lauren just simply nodded her head quickly in responce, taking Camila's outstretched had spinning her around and kissing her deeply. "Really, thank you, Camz. I know this wasn't cheap."

"Oh hush. I'd do anyfor for you." With that Camila led Lauren into the large building, following the signs that showed the way to the famous singer. 

"Oh my god! We're next!" Lauren squealed bouncing up and down. 

"Yes, Lauren. We are." Camila answered, slyly taking a picture of the girl, while smiling at the sight of the girl. 

"Holy shit it's our turn. I don't think I can't do this." Lauren began to hyperventilate. 

"Dude, just walk."

"Okay, I can do this, I can do this, I'm just meeting my idol. I'm just meeting the woman who singlehandedly made me who I am. I can't do this."

"Yes, yes you can." Camila reassured the girl while giving her a slight nudge. 

As Lauren approached the curtain where the woman who she loved stood. She turned to look at Camila who just smiled and nodded her head telling her to go. Lauren had made it to the woman and was just standing there staring at her in awe. "Hey, why don't you go say hi?" Camila questioned leaning in Lauren's ear. Lauren cleared her throat and began her walk toward the singer. 

"Hi! Lauren Jauregui right?" Lana questioned.

"You, um, you know my name?" Lauren stuttered.

"Yeah, duh, Strangers and All Night are two of my favorite songs."

"You l-listen to my m-music?" 

"Yeah and I think they're awesome!"


"Hey, Lana!" Camila cut in.

"Hi! Are you ready?" Lana asked.

"Mmhm," Camila answered.

"Ready for what?" Lauren asked oblivious as ever.

"Oh nothing," Camila spoke. 

"Well let's take our picture so we can get this show on the road."

a/n So I suck at uploading at just about the same time every day I know but here is the fist part, I'm working on part two now. Bye!

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