Chapter Fourteen

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The whole ride to the hospital was silent. Both Camila and Lauren were lost in their thoughts, with Camila thinking about her father and what could happen when she'd gotten there. And Lauren was trying to figure out what Camila was thinking. Before they both knew it they were pulling into the parking lot of Westchester General. "Are you ready?" Lauren asked once she realized they were parked.

"Yeah, I think I am." Camila said not looking in Lauren's direction. "I just, what if something's really wrong, Lauren?" She spoke with tears threating to spill at the mere thought of something being really wrong with him. She couldn't bear the thought of not having her father around. He was her everything. Everything she was, everything she wanted to be, everything she needed. How could she go on without him? Camila thought about it for a minute, and the answer was simple to her, she couldn't, at least she didn't know how.

"We don't know if there is something bigger. We also don't know if there's anything that's on his side. We don't know anything, not until we walk in there and find out for ourselves." Lauren spoke softly making Camila turn her head slightly so that the older girl could see her face. Lauren had noticed tears down Camila's face which she wiped away with her free hand. "We don't know if he'll make it out of this. We also don't know that he might. There's too many things we don't know."

"So let's go find out." She whispered before quickly opening the car door and walking around to the trunk for Lauren's wheelchair.

While Lauren was waiting for her girlfriend it gave her time to think about everything. She didn't know what was waiting behind those doors. What if something did or could happen? Lauren didn't know, and it killed her. She wanted to be there for her girl, she just didn't know how. Or the right words to use. She wasn't sure how to approach it, or if she should even bring it up. All she knew was that she needed to be there for Camila whenever she needed her, and right now was the most important time of all. The sound of her door opening brought Lauren back to reality. Camila helped Lauren into her wheelchair and tried to push her, but Lauren insisted she do it herself by rolling the wheels with her hands.

The hospital was huge, an expansive white tile floor surrounded by large white structures and being finished with a large glass roof. In the far corner were the service desks where the girls made their way to. "Hi, I'm here for Alejandro Cabello." Camila said politely.

"Relationship to patient?"


"And her?" The lady spoke looking toward Lauren.


"Okay, here you go. You're going to go straight down this hallway until you see the Kennedy Elevators, you're going take those to the fifth floor, then you're going to head right until you see room seventeen." She told them.

"Thank you." Camila spoke then going in the direction of the elevators.

Once they made it to the fifth floor they immediately seen Camila's mother outside the door of Alejandro's room. The girl almost ran to her mother hugging her tightly and conversing things most likely about her father's condition. "Hi, ma'am." Lauren said one she had reached the pair.

"Hello, Lauren? ¿Cómo ella se levantó aquí? Solo dejaban que la familia lo viera." (How did she get up here? They were only letting family see him.)

"Dije que ella era su prima cercana." (I said she was his close cousin.) Camila's mother looked at Lauren then back at her daughter with a confused expression that was soon replaced with one of sadness.

"Está estable, pero aún duerme. Puede entrar si quiere." (He's stable but he's still asleep. You can go in if you would like.) Camila nodded looking toward Lauren.

"You go in first, you should have some time with him by yourself before we come in." Lauren said caringly and Camila walked into the hospital room. She had spent too much time in this place in the past week, or so she thought.

"Hey dad?" She sat down in the chair next to her father's bed. "I'm not really sure what to say," She ended with a slight chuckle. "This is crazy, right?" The amount of electronic devices in the room scared Camila to say the least. She knew they were keeping him alive but she couldn't help but to think they were all gone. "All these things around you, I know they're keeping you with me, but I just wish that we were at home playing with Sofi." Camila looked at her hand which still had her father's hand in it as a tear slid down her cheek. Camila jumped when she heard the consistent beep of the heart monitor. "Mom!" Camila yelled standing up from her seat with her eyes wide when her mother appeared by her father's side.

A few seconds later three nurses ran in and started doing routine checks and trying to get his heart started again. The whole time Lauren sat in the doorway with her eyes wide while biting her lip watching everything that was happening in front of her. She moved when the nurses began to roll Alejandro out of the room and down the hallway. That's all Camila remembers from that day's visit at the hospital. She didn't know what was happening nor what was going to happen, all they could do was cross their fingers.

a/n Holy cow! We're almost at one thousand reads! What is life? Don't forget that if you have anything you would like to say to me, either message me on here or on my Instagram @giannaludlam. Thanks! Have a great day! Bi!

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