Chapter Nine

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a/n Yeah, yeah, I know. Its 5:55 p.m and I am just now writing this. Whoops. Just a PSA this is going to be a bit of a doosey so prepare.

"Ty?" Lauren questioned not really knowing why he was at her house. "What, um, what are you doing here?"

"No, the question is, what are you not doing here?" Ty yelled. 

"Alright, Tyrone. Calm down." Camila cut in knowing that Lauren wasn't going to be able to.

"Who do you think you're talking to bitch?" Ty spoke taking a step closer to the man. 

Camila stepped forward as well to show that she was not going to back down. "What do you think that speaking in your 'manly' voice and stepping towards me is gonna make me stop protecting Lauren?" This seemed to have brought the older girl out of her thoughts because her head shot up to meet Camila standing in front of her now ex-boyfriend trying to contain her rage while he stared down at her with a slight smirk. "And you think you standing in front of me is going to make me go running home with my tail between my legs?" He spoke up.

"No, but it gives you one extra person to have to go through before you reach her."

"Camz?" Lauren questioned putting her hand on the smaller girl's shoulder. "Please go home, I'll handle this." 

"But Lo." Camila tried.

"Please Camila."

"Okay, but call me if you need anything, anything at all okay?" And with one last look toward Ty Camila made her way to the car at the end of the driveway. 

Camila began to drive home before realizing that she should be closeby if anything were to happen. She turned around and parked at the corner of the girl's block keeping her eyes and ears toward the house.

About thirty minutes later the sound she heard made her start to sprint for the house. On her way there she pulled out her phone and dialed the only number she could think '911'. The operater on the other end answered on the second ring saying, "911 what's you're emergency?"

"My friend, she- she needs help. I just heard a lound bang come from her house along with yelling. She is in there with her ex-boyfriend who is, or was really pissed off." Camila said with a shaky voice telling the lady on the other end of the phone what was going on along with Lauren's address and being informed the police and paramedics would be there soon.

Not wanting to wait for them with the fear of something really bad happening, Camila ran up to the door of the house. Noticing it was locked, she kicked it repeatedly using all her strength. "Come on Camila, now is not the time to have no strength. Lauren needs you." Camila said to herself, kicking between each word until the lock finally gave and the door swung open. She had begun to search the house before she heard a yell that made Camila's blood chill then boil with the newfound rage she had for the man that was doing this to 'her' girl. Following where she heard the voice coming from Camila readied herself for what was to happen. She knew that if she walked in there and she couldn't fight him then she'd be grateful that he was taking some of it out of her. When Camila walked into the kitchen the sight she had seen was enough to make her want to kill the man on the spot. Lauren was curled in a ball with cuts on her lip, forehead, and cheek which made blood run down her face and onto the floor she was on. Everything in the kitchen was thrown about but Camila's eyes were focused on the girl, there were places that were already starting to bruise including her left eye, her right wrist, and parts of her shoulder which was exposed because of the shirt she was wearing. Before she knew it Ty was staring at her and was making long strides her way. "I thought she told you to go home," the man practically growled. Then the back of his right hand was connecting with the left side of her face which made her fall to ground with him standing above her and grabbing the back of her head pulling her hair, lifting her head off the ground. Out of the corner of her eye, Camila noticed something shining from the light that was coming from the ceiling fan in the middle of the room. Reaching for it she noticed that it was a newly sharpened steak knife. Without a second thought Camila grabbed the object and plunged it deep into the calf of the man standing above her. Almost immediatly he let go of her hair and fell down to the floor himself while Camila noticed the faint sound of sirens in the distance. She sprung to her feet and rushed over to the girl who was still on the floor crying. "Hey, baby?" Camila said cautiously. This instantly made Lauren's eyes shoot up and stare into Camila's own. Without a second thought Lauren pulled Camila into her arms wincing slightly when she lifted her right arm not noticing her injuries. After a second Camila pulled back slightly so that she could look at Lauren properly. "Come on, lets get up. Help is here." Camila spoke softly, to that Lauren looked at her questioningly until she noticed the pleading look in the girl's eyes making her nod. Camila quickly looked toward the man who she had recently stabbed to see that he was indeed still on the ground trying to get the knife out of his leg. As Lauren tried to stand up she fell back down not knowing the extent of her injuries. "I can't." Is all she said making Camila understand. She felt a surge of strength though hearing Lauren's voice, hooking her right arm under both of her legs and her left behing her back, picking her up bridal style. She walked the other way toward the door so that she didn't go anywhere near the man bleeding all over the new tile flooring in Lauren's parent's kitchen. After the struggle of turning the doorknob with no hands Camila walked outside to see the emergency services arrive. The police ran up and looked at her silently asking 'where is he' to which Camila answered "Inside to the right in the kitchen, he attacked me so he now has a knife in his leg." The officers just nodded and ran into house. Camila continued walking until the paramedics met her with a stretcher to which the girl was layed on gently. The two women quickly examined her before rushing her to the ambulance. They looked at Camila noticing the bruise on her cheek which she shrugged off saying "not me, her," pointing to the girl who was now in the back of the truck and climbed in, noticing the other one pull up and run into the house, soon coming out with an injured Ty and the two officers who had gone into the house in the first place, then the doors were closing and the truck was moving. They were on their way to the hospital where Lauren would be treated and would get better. That's all Camila thought as she watched the two people work in the confines of the truck doing all they could for the girl, putting a breathing mask on her face and covering her open wounds with bandages while also wrapping her shoulder, wrist, and ankle. She wished there were something she could do but she knew there wasn't so she just sat there and stared at the girl, thinking of anything she could have done to stop this. 

a/n Here you go! This was a long one. It was also very interesting to write, while I Have Questions and Who Are You played while I was writing. Hope you liked it. Have a great day! Bi!

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