Chapter Ten

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a/n I am currently reading The Stripper, and damn, everything everyone said about it is definitely true ;) 

Lauren woke in a bright white room with a warmth pushed into her side. When she tried to look she winced slightly not knowing that she was hurt. She lifted her hand to her eye not understanding what happened when she was hit in the face with the hard outside of the cast on her hand. She groaned while placing her hand back down next to her, opting instead to just sit there. That is until she heard ruffling next to her. "Hello?" Lauren asked cautiously. 

When Camila heard this her eyes widened immediately. "Lauren?" Camila said not sure if she was imagining this. 


"Oh my god! Lauren!" Camila almost yelled. "Stay right here, I'm going to go get the doctor."

"Where else would I go?"

"True. I'll be right back." And with that Camila ran out of the room in search for Lauren's doctor. After a few minutes of searching Camila re-entered the older girl's room with the doctor in tow. "Ms. Jauregui?" This caught Lauren's attention because her head turned to face the doctor and Camila who were standing at the doorway. "I'm just going to ask you some questions."

"Okay." Lauren's voice was raspier than usual due to the fact that she hadn't used it in awhile.

"When's you're birthday?"

"June 27, 1996."

"What's the year?"


"Do you know where you where you are?" Lauren looked around with the one good eye she had until it landed on Camila who's cheek was now a mix of black, blue, purple. Lauren's eyebrows furrowed to which Camila shook her head as if to say, 'we'll talk about it later.' 

"The hospital?"

"Yes, do you know why?"

"No." Lauren spoke. "How long have I been here?"

"Three days. This lovely young lady has been with you every day and night, sometimes she needed to be reminded of visiting hours." Camila just smiled slightly, the bruise on her cheek making it hurt to fully. 

"Where are my parents?"

It was Camila's turn to speak now. "They are out of the country with Taylor and Chris, they can't get back until tomorrow."

"So you've been here alone with me for three days?"

"I guess so." Camila answered the last few days passing by in a blur. 

"Okay, so Ms. Jauregui, you have a few things that I just wanted to discuss with you." The doctor cut in. "So in your left foot you have a snapped fibula, we have casted that so it can heal properly within six to eight weeks with no weightbearing. In your right hand your wrist is broken in three places so there is another cast there so that can heal within six to eight weeks as well. You have a few more minor injuries including your left eye which is swollen shut from applied force, your right shoulder which has extensive bruising and is not recommended and lifting for until that bruising dies down or goes away completely. You had a few cuts on your face when you came in here the one on your lip has scabbed over while your cheek is still bandaged. The one on your forehead required three stitches and is doing rather well. Other than those things you are as perfect as a normal human being. Any questions?"

"When can I go home?" Lauren asked.

"I just have to get your discharge papers then we're going to get you a wheel chair to take you to your car."


"Thank you," Camila spoke up. The man nodded toward her and walked out of the room. "Are you ready?"

"I think so." Lauren looked toward Camila. "What happened, why am I here?"

"Can I tell you when we get home?"

"You're coming home with me?"

"Yeah, duh. You're not staying home by yourself."

"Okay, Ms. uhm Jagooey." A nurse had entered.

"It's pronounced Ha-Reg-E." Lauren told her which made Camila have to stifle a laugh.

"Sorry, ma'am. I just need you to sign these few papers then you're all set to leave, I'll wheel you out myself." Lauren nodded as the woman handed her the papers to which she signed to the best of her abilities what with the cast on her hand. Afterward the nurse had helped her into the wheelchair and began to take her out to Camila's car. And the nurse handed Camila crutches which confused Camila because Lauren had a cast, and also gave her the wheelchair that she'd have to return once Lauren could be back on her feet. After putting all the things into the trunk Camila climbed into the driver's seat. She looked over to Lauren who was already staring at her. "What?" She asked.

"You're just, so beautiful." At this Camila blushed and Lauren pulled her into a kiss. Already this day seemed to be getting better, at least until they had gotten to Lauren's house. 

a/n Well that was chapter ten. As you guys probably know the remix of Bazzi's song Beautiful with Camila was released and I probably listened to it forty-five times while writing this. Have a nice day! Bi!

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