Chapter Eighteen

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"I have some bad news." The young man spoke, he looked to Sinu, Camila, the three girls behind them, and finally to Lauren who was holding Camila in her arms before continuing. "When Mr. Cabello first arrived here he had a liter of fluid in his lungs which almost cut off his breathing completely. We had to rush him into surgery as soon as he came into the building. We lost him a total of three times during surgery due to low oxygen, but we were able to bring him back. Unfortunately, his heart stopped the fourth time." He paused with his own tears in his eyes along with the eyes of the other people in the room, he pulled himself together knowing that he couldn't cry now, not when he had to tell these people the worst news they would ever hear. "And we lost him." He finished and Camila was the first to break, then Sinu, then Dinah, Normani, Ally, and finally Lauren who Camila was holding on to for dear life. "I'm very sorry for your loss," he spoke looking at the girls.

Sinu had regained her composer quickly and asked the question she was preparing herself for all morning. "Can I see him?"

"If you would like." Camila's mother just nodded and followed the doctor to where her husband lay.

"Here we are, miss." He spoke holding out his arm toward the door of the man she loved. "Take as much time as you need." Rubbing her arm and looking at her with a sad expression he walked away leaving her next to the hospital room where her best friend, husband, and child's father lay. Nothing she might do could prepare her for what she was about to see, nonetheless she closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

Her husband was lying on the bed lifeless and blue. When Sinu witnessed she couldn't move, couldn't look around, couldn't speak. She didn't know how to process this. He was actually gone. Camila really didn't have a father anymore, she didn't have a husband, she'd lost her best friend, the love of her life, her everything. That's when the tears began to fall, cascading down her cheeks, down her chin until finally landing on either her shirt or the floor. "Alejandro," is all she managed to say to say between sobs. After standing there for some time she was able to walk up next to him and sit in the chair next to his bed and grabbed his hand. "I love you," were the only words she spoke, not able to do anything else.

Meanwhile, the other five girls stay in the waiting room, not knowing if they'd be able to handle seeing Alejandro in that state so soon. All five girls huddled around Camila knowing that she would be the one hurt the most. Camila was sitting on Lauren's lap and had her head in the girl's chest while Ally sat on their left and Dinah on their right with Normani behind the chair. None of them had a clue what to say to the girl. They just knew they needed to be there.

The next time Lauren looked at the clock an hour had passed by and Sinu was still in the room and Camila was asleep on her chest being tired out from crying for all that time.

Another hour had passed and still, Sinu was in the hospital room with Alejandro. Just as she started to wonder what could've happened Dinah got a text on her phone. "It's from Sinu, she said 'I have to go over some paperwork with the hospital, I should be out in less than thirty. You guys should go back to the house, since I'm guessing Karla has fallen asleep.'" Dinah told all of them. "Do you want to go back?"

"Yeah, Camila needs to sleep in her own bed." Lauren spoke, standing with Camila in her arms who just snuggled closer into her needing more contact. "I love you, Camz. Everything will turn up. I will make sure nothing hurts you ever again." Lauren whispered toward her girlfriend making sure the other girls couldn't hear her and pulled her closer, beginning to walk toward the car they'd all came in. The whole time Lauren held Camila, to the car, in the car, and into the house until she'd laid her down on her bed to get the sleep she deserved. Lauren meant what she said, she would do any and everything in her power to make sure that ball of sunshine was never clouded over ever again. "Goodnight, Camz." Lauren whispered, kissing her on the forehead and walking out her bedroom door to join the other girls downstairs to wait for the girl's mother to get home.

When Sinu had arrived all the girls were asleep in the living room, a sight which made her smile for the first time that day. Deciding that was the best route the woman also went to her bedroom to sleep, only to discover that she couldn't sleep in that room without him. Finding that she needed to sleep she'd gone into Sofia's bedroom for that was the only empty room in the house because the girl had gone on vacation a few weeks prior. That's when it hit her. How would she tell Sofi?

a/n Hey guys. So, I thought I should give a bit of insight of how I began to write this. I brought everything that has happened in my life into this (with some added stuffs) and made it how I would see it going. Yes, I lost my father almost two years ago on November 23, 2016 and it was the worst day of my life. I didn't know how to continue after that. But, I found hope and love and people who care about me and love me. They brought me back to reality, they gave me hope. They made me live again. If any of you believe you are not loved, you are. If it's not your parent's it could be other people in your family and even your friends. I am also here for you. Just because you're going through a rough patch right now doesn't mean that things won't become smoother. I didn't think so, and here I am, striving to go to medical school to help people who went through what my father went through and to end it. I guess that's the end of my speech, so hope you have a nice day/night! Bi! And thank you so much for seven hundred-forty-nine reads! You have no clue how much it means to me. Really, thank you.

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