Chapter Seventeen

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The next few weeks passed by without a hitch, Camila's father had seemed to be getting back to his old self, Lauren had gotten her casts off and was starting to get back to walking around again, and Camila had finally been able to be happy again. That day though had been a little different, Alejandro had a hard time breathing and was a bit unsteady on his feet. Camila and her mom had just thought it was another 'trigger day' because the air quality had made it very hard to breathe. They'd all thought that it would be better by the next day. What Camila didn't expect that night was the fact that she was woken up by bright red and blue lights along with sirens outside of her house. Wanting to investigate, she'd gotten up and started to wander her house. As she walked down the stairs of her parent's home Camila noticed the police officer in the living room. "Miss, you need to stay back." He spoke looking toward Camila with his hand out. 


"The paramedics need to be able to get through quickly." Paramedics? Camila was still half-asleep but she knew straight away, something happened to her father. As soon as the thought crossed her mind Camila noticed the white bed roll her father out of the house. When she'd seen her mother come from the way her father had just came. "Mom?" Camila asked, her voice cracking from the fear she had of what was happening. "What's going on?" 

"I can't explain right now, I'll call you soon and tell you, I promise." And with that she'd left and Camila had no explanation whatsoever. All she wanted to do was cry. And that's what she did, right there in the living room on the floor, she broke down. After what felt like hours, Camila had gotten herself under control and pulled out her phone to call the only person she knew she could, Dinah. 

"Hey Mila? What's up?" Dinah asked looking at her clock. "And why are you calling me at three in the morning?"

"I need you, D. My dad, he just got taken to the hospital again. I don't want to be here alone."

"Okay, I'll be there, just let me get changed and grab my keys."

"Thank you."

"Hey, don't. I'd do this for you if it was because your dad was in the hospital or even if you needed someone to talk to. You know that we're all in Miami right now because of the tour."

"I love you, Chechee."

"Love you too, Chancho." And with that Dinah hung up her phone and calling the three other people she knew would help her cheer up Camila. Including Ally, Normani, and of course, Lauren. They all were confused when Dinah had called them but in the end had said what Dinah said almost to a 'T'.

Within thirty minutes all the girl were pulling up at the house Camila was in. Normani brought DVD's, Ally brought her bible, and Dinah and Lauren just brought cuddles.

After awhile of them just being together Camila had gotten a phone call from her mother. "Hello."

"Hi, Mija. I just wanted to call you and tell you that your father is in the hospital. He's in surgery right now."

"What happened?"

"He woke up in the middle of the night and wasn't able to breathe. For a bit we'd tried the inhaler but it didn't quite work and I had to call the ambulance. That' when he'd passed out fro oxygen loss." Camila's mom told her. The girl had no words.

"Can we come there?"


"Yeah, after you guys left I called Dinah and she called Ally and Normani. Now they're all here."

"Okay, you guys can if you want to. You won't be able to see him for awhile but you could keep me company."

"We'll be there soon."

"I'll see you when you get here." And Camila hung up the phone and walked into the room her friends were waiting in.

"I'm going to go to the hospital with my mom. You guys can come if you want."

"I'll drive." Dinah spoke standing up from where she was on the ground and grabbing her keys along with the other girls.

"Are you sure?"

"Camz, we're here for you." Lauren said hugging her girlfriend.

In a few minutes they were at the hospital and in the waiting room with Camila's mother waiting for some sort of information about Alejandro's condition.

It was almost eight in the morning when Camila had finally seen the doctor that Alejandro had the last time he was here. Once the doctor had see them his face dropped, he had a sad expression that made him look like he wanted to run out of the hospital and never return. Nonetheless he walked toward the family. Once he'd noticed he had everyone's attention he told them, "I have some bad news."

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