Chapter Twenty-Six

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a/n Hey guys! I'm going to be on vacation so after this chapter I'm probably going to make them shorter so that I don't have to write as much while I'm there. Instead of at least six-hundred words I'm probably going to do around three-hundred. When I get back I'll do a really long one for you though okay? Thanks! Happy reading!

"Come on Camila, twenty more!" Lauren told her girlfriend after the tenth squat they did that day at the gym. They'd gone every other day for almost six months now and Camila's mood seemed to be improving. She wasn't so in her head when she was working out, she wasn't thinking about anything but what they were doing right then. "3, 2, 1! Done! Nice job babygirl." Lauren finished with a high five. "Ready to go home?" In the six months they spent together, Lauren and Camila had grown closer than ever, they even decided to move in together in Miami.


"Camz I like this one." Lauren told her girlfriend while walking through one of the houses their realtor had lined up for them.

"I don't know, it just- it doesn't feel like home." Camila said for what felt like the thirtieth time that day. "I'm sorry baby."

"It's okay." Lauren told her girlfriend with a peck to her cheek. "Can we see the next one?" She asked the blonde woman.

"Of course."

About thirty minutes later Lauren and Camila arrived at a small home in a secluded area of the town. Going around the perimeter was a white picket fence with twenty feet of grass from the fence to the front of the house. The house was a baby blue color itself and looked like one you'd see in movies. Like one you would imagine as a kid, there were two large windows on each side and the roof was black. When they walked inside both the girls looked at each other and smiled, they knew this was it. To their right there was the kitchen that looked to have just been redone with a white marble counter and island, there was a dual fridge and matte black cabinets above them. To their left was the dining room where there was a long wooden table that sat ten people with four chairs on each side and two chairs at each end. Farther into the house to their left was the living area that had enough space for a couch and two loveseats around their flat screen television. Behind them there was a set of stairs that led to the second floor where the bedrooms were. In the back there was a master bedroom that had enough room for the girl's California King bed, two nightstands on each side, a computer desk, and a vanity. Accompanying the bedroom was the master bathroom with a marble coutertop sink, a large white corner bath with jets, and a large shower with a sliding glass door. Back in the hallway there were four more doors, three housing bedrooms and one bathroom. Back downstairs and through the white backdoor there was a large backyard with at least ten yards of just grass. Both Lauren and Camila looked at each other with the smile they had on their faces all day then to the woman and at the same time said "We'll take it!"

*end of flashback*

Camila nodded out of breath and walked over to the mirror where their bags were to take a long drink from her water bottle. While Camila wasn't paying attention Lauren had come up behind her and wrapped her arms around her waist. "Ew Lauren I'm sweating!" Camila exclaimed.

"I don't care. I'll love you when you're sweating, not sweating, or somewhere in between. Though I hope right now isn't the only time you're going to be sweating today." Oh did I mention that in their time together they'd had their first time together intimately just over a month ago.

*flashback... and smut...*

Camila had just initiated yet another round of tickling with Lauren when she knew that everytime she did, she would lose.

Lauren had Camila pinned down under her while giving her a big smile then leaning down to peck her girlfriend's lips then pulling back a little to whisper in Camila's ear "I win." This small action made Camila's whole body shiver, which Lauren felt and moved her head back to Camila's face to look her in the eyes. Camila moved her head up quickly and caputed Lauren's lips in a needy kiss to which Lauren reciprocated. Lauren's hand's went from Camila's to the face of the girl under her and kissed her like her life depended on it. Camila licked Lauren's bottom lip silently asking for entrance to which Lauren denied just to frustrate the girl under her. Camila was having none of it and opted to move her hands from where they were on her girlfriend's face and waist lower, and lower, until they reached their destination and squeezed Lauren's ass through her black ripped jeans that caused the older girl to gasp. Camila took this as an oppertunity to dart her tongue into the mouth of her girlfriend. Lauren began to move back to sit on her heels and Camila followed now holding the older girl on her lap.

The next time Lauren pulled back both hers and Camila's eyes were a few shades darker than normal making them both know that the other wanted this as much as they did. Lauren bit her lip while analyzing her girlfriend before moving her head and attaching her lips to Camila's neck. Lauren alternated between licking and kissing parts until she found what she was looking for, the extra special place that make the girl above her huff a particularly loud breath. "Stop holding it in Camz." Lauren whispered next to her ear before nipping the earlobe and going back to what she was doing. Lauren licked around the spot for a bit before sucking it hard and earning a moan from her girlfriend. At this Lauren smirked and felt Camila's hands going from her butt to the front of her stomach to the hem of her shirt. Lauren knew what her girlfriend was trying to do and moved her head up once again to Camila's ear to whisper, "let's go grace the new bedsheets." Camila nodded quickly feeling the need to feel more of Lauren. Quickly standing up, the blacked haired girl held out her hand, which Camila took, and led them to their bedroom.

Ten minutes later both Lauren and Camila were on the bed in just their bra and underwear panting. Camila moved her hand to the bottom of Lauren's sports bra and pulled it over her girlfriend's head and Lauren doing the same to Camila's, unhooking her bra and throwing it eswhere in the room. Slowly moving her head down, Lauren took one of Camila's nipples into her mouth sucking on it and making it sensitive to the touch before moving to the other and repeating her actions. She then slowly moved her head down Camila's abdomen towards her legs while placing small deliberate kisses to her belly button. Lauren then continued to move her head lower placing delicate kisses on her right thigh to her knee and back up again before doing the same to her left. Once she was back at her girlfriend's center she looked up into Camila's eyes asking for consent to which Camila nodded before Lauren bit the top of her underwear and began pulling it down Camila's legs with her teeth, looking up at Camila's face the whole time. Camila now without her underwear allowed Lauren to see the most intimate parts of herself. Kissing her way back up Camila's thigh Lauren slowly ran a finger up and down Camila's wetness. "Geez babe, all for me?" Lauren questioned teasingly making Camila moan when she pressed her finger to Camila's clit. "Come on Lauren...ah...stop- stop teasing, Lauren."

"And what would you like me to do?" Lauren asked with another push.

"Just-just fuck me!" With that Lauren pushed one finger into Camila and started making a rythm. "More Lauren," two fingers. Lauren continued going in and out of her girlfriend until she started to feel her walls begin to tighten around her fingers. "Lauren I'm-I'm close," Lauren abruptly stopped her motions making Camila want to complain until she felt her girlfriend's hand on the back of her knee pulling her leg up and over her shoulder and placing herself to Camila making them both moan in pleasure. Lauren began to grind herself down onto Camila and soon enough the younger girl caught on and they were both grinding their cores on each other. They were both close and after a few more circles they both came with their bodies shaking uncontrollably and screaming out one another's name. Lauren recovered first and moved her body to lay next to the woman she loved pulling her in close and cuddling her while pulling the blanket over them and falling asleep in once another's arms.

*end of flashback...and smut...for now*

"Let's go right now." Camila spoke while grabbing her bag and rushing out the door. Lauren just smirked while following the path the other girl had taken and thinking about what was soon to happen.

a/n Heyo! That was a bit longer than I expected but I hope you liked it! Hope you have a great day/night! Bi!

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