Chapter 11-1

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November 9th, 2038
Ferndale Train Station

Poppy, Tiff and Belle all arrived at Jericho to evacuate the androids there. I stayed behind for a reason.

The train doors came and stopped, opening as soon as they came to a stop.

"Good evening, Connor" I said as he came out of the train and looked at me. "Good evening, Dahlia. It's a good  thing you're here" He paused, walking over to where I was at. "Why is that?" I asked.

"The FBI has a warrant for your arrest. I was ordered to neutralize the Deviant Leader...but I was also ordered to bring the Deviant Protector to the FBI alive. I'm afraid you're coming with me" He explained as I sighed and shook my head.

"I hate to dissapoint you, but you won't be taking anybody tonight" I said

"And I hate to disappoint, but I will be accomplishing this mission" He said as he moved, but I moved and blocked his path.

"You always accomplish your missions, right? Well, I'm afraid that this'll be one of the missions you fail" I said as I punched him in the face and ran. He recovered and ran after me.

I ran until he grabbed me by my neck. "I'm also ordered to knock you out in case you don't cooperate with me" He said and tried to bash my head against a nearby wall, but I kicked him away and grab a sign, throwing it at Connor, which impaled him in his knee. He groaned in pain as I tried to run, but he grab my leg and threw me to the ground.

I groaned in pain as he impaled my right hand with the sign, biting my lip to hold back my scream.

After a few minutes, he gotten up and walked, well, limped off. I picked up the sign and ran up to him, swinging the sign at him, knocking him down and I ran.

After running for a few minutes, I managed to reach the rooftops and lose Connor at the same time, which is rare for everyone to do. When I knew that I lost him, I ran the rooftops until I reached Jericho.

"Safe...for now" I said, sighing in relief and walked to the ledge. When I did, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Without looking back or even thinking of who it was, I grabbed them and threw them into the water.

I climbed down the roof and grabbed my gun, shooting in the water. Not knowing if I missed or not, I walked away and into Jericho.

"D! What the hell happened to you?!" Poppy ran over to me and looked my hand. "I, kinda gotten into a fight...heh heh" I said as she sat me down and bandaged my hand.

"Uh huh. Anyways, most of the androids have evacuated, but there's a few left, including Alice, Kara and Luther...side note, Kara just find out that Alice is an android" She said, pointed to the trio, which was Kara and Alice hugging each other and Luther smiling and looking at them.

"Awh...they make a perfect family" I said and smiled as she nodded and finished wrapping my hand.

"Yeah, they do..." She said quietly as I stood up and hugged her. "Oh? What's the occasion?" She asked as I shook my head and stopped hugging her.

"No reason. Just wanted to give my best friend/sister a hug. Don't tell Belle" I said as she nodded and walked over to Belle and Tiff, more than likely telling her what I said. I sighed and walking up to the deck.

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