Lin x Reader

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A/N: Here's a smaller, shorter chapter which was a nice break from the furious writing I did with the Philip x Reader. Though, I already started the next chapter... and you guys are going to love it!!!

ALSO... I SAW DAN AND PHIL AT THEIR INTERACTIVE INTROVERTS SHOW!!! Unfortunately I did not meet them, but it was such a great experience I'm not even mad. If you want to see photos from that I'll put them at the end of this chapter. Honestly more shook then when I saw Hamilton. (And that's saying something.)

Enjoy this chapter, the style is a bit different than the last few ones.

Dear Diary,

It's been a while, but I need to rant

Let's just say my boyfriend is an absolute dork.

Lin Manuel Miranda was a sum of many things, and many fantastic qualities. But I am positive I can narrow it down to one word. That word being dork. None of that mushy gooey stuff like "you're so perfect it's indescribable how much I love you", or "let me list all of the reasons I love you". Nope. None of that. He's simply a dork.

He's really into musical theater, and writes musicals. Which, by the way, is super hot. But anyway, after the success of In the Heights he has either gone completely mad, or he's a genius. That or his giant ego has finally gotten to his head. At dinner tonight Lin WOULD NOT stop talking about this Alexander Hamilton biography he had just finished. Trust me, I have read a snippet of that book over his shoulder, and it is not interesting. Talk about the most boring, longest thing, I've ever seen. Yet, Lin spoke of that book like it was the holy bible.

Don't get me wrong, it's adorable seeing his face light up and eyes get all wide as he rants about something he is passionate about. But really? An 800 page book about a dead founding father? (See, dork, told you.) I just didn't see the significance, and now thinking about it, the relevance. So I just admired how his face as he spoke, instead of listening to what he was actually saying. That was until he said, "And I want to write a musical about him."







Lin wants to write a MUSICAL about Alexander Hamilton, the most boring founding father in history.


Oops sorry love ya Lin keep doing watch you're doing.

Bye Diary, we will speak soon.

Signed, Y/N


Dear Diary,

I've decided to give Lin the benefit of the doubt and accept how he is pursuing his career. Plus he said he would prove to me that Alexander Hamilton was interesting once he's finished with the entire musical. Which I'm estimating will take a while because he's been in his office writing for months and barely has one song. Nonetheless he's performing it at the White House tonight and I couldn't be more proud of him.

Love you Lin keep doing what you're doing.

See ya Diary

Signed Y/N


Dear Diary,

Lin has been writing for the past 6 months non-stop. He absolutely loves writing music, and its fairly simple to tell. But the man needs a break. He refused every other attempt I made of getting him away from his desk. But yesterday I convinced him to go laser tagging with me. I didn't think anything of the fact he had said yes to laser tagging within all of my attempts. I was just excited not to see him glued to his work. His performance at the White House was good, but it could have been better. Let's just say the audience wasn't thrilled for a song about a founding father.

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