4 - We do

18 3 2


Hoseok swiftly moves his body to the beat of the song. With his movements he expresses every emotion he feel inside, whether it's love, anger, hatred, sadness or happiness. Dance is his way of coping with stress. Sometimes in the morning when he had a test he would stop at the practice room and relieve his nervousness by dancing his heart out, however he stopped doing that as he kept being late to his classes.

The music was too loud for him to hear the door to the practice room open and close, and he was too into dancing to realise the person sat down at a bench and was now watching his every move.

The song came to an end, leaving Hoseok in complete silence until he heard some kind of clapping echoing through the room. He turned around in surprise and spotted Jimin sitting at one of the benches, staring at him in ave.

He suddenly stands up and throws his hands in the air exaggeratedly.

"Bravo!" he shouted, "I'd throw you my shoes but I'm wearing converse."

Hoseok snickers

He suddenly gets that warm feeling in his body upon seeing Jimin. He wanted to run up to him and squeeze him in his embrace, but he stopped himself before he could lose control over his body.

"I was at the cafeteria but I didn't find you there so I figured you'd be here" Jimin said and handed him a water bottle he got from the drink machine.


Hoseok took a gulp of the water and then closed the bottle up.

"Are you ready to go?" Hoseok asked.

Jimin nodded, grabbing his bag and then waited for Hoseok to grab his as well.


"So..." Jimin starts breaking the silence, "the dance is coming up."

Hoseok looks at Jimin's side profile as his eyebrows crunch together.

"That's in two months" he says.

"Right, but we need to get ourselves dates as soon as possible."

"We do?"

"We do."

Hoseok sighs, his eyes focusing on absolutely nothing but the ground in underneath of him as he walked next to the shorter male. He was busy debating over if he should even go to the dance.

"You are definitely going to the dance" Jimin spoke up as if he knew exactly what the latter was saying.

Hoseok groaned.

"Why? I don't even know who to take. Besides, it's not like anyone would actually go to the dance with someone like me."

Jimin stopped at his tracks, gaping at Hoseok.

"What the hell are you talking about? Look at yourself! If I were a girl I would 100% want to go on a dance with you" he said.

Hoseok snickered 'if only you actually were'.

"Just think, is there someone you would love to go on a dance with? Maybe like a really pretty girl or a crush of some sort?" Jimin asked, elbowing Hoseok's side with a smirk on his face as he finished the last part.

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