23 - The love you're giving

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Jimin widens his eyes at Hoseok's words, flushing in a deeper red than before.

He nuzzles his face into the pillow, trying to hide the embarrassment written all over it. He hears a low chuckle erupt from Hoseok before feeling a large hand running it's fingers through his hair.

"Awhh, my baby" Hoseok whispers, a smile heard in his voice.

If asked, he'd admit he had been a little too lost in the moments lately. Ever since the small incident between them and the car ride that followed, Hoseok had allowed himself to shamelessly flirt with the younger.

At first he thought of it as a fun way to make Jimin laugh and blush, plus he genuinely loves calling him cute nicknames. But often he forgot about the lane he's in and swerved off the road. Now, he'd forget about Jimin's boyfriend. Calling him his made him feel as if it was only the two of them in this world.

While brushing his fingers through Jimin's soft locks he manages to move some away from his ear. He snickers silently, looking at the dark red spreading across it.

He stops his hand on the side of Jimin's head, now only massaging his temple with the thumb. While growing up with the latter he had learnt a lot about him; one of the things - massaging his temple calms him down and can easily put him to sleep. Originally he learned it from Jimin's mom and the information came in quite handy whenever Jimin had a stressful day.

That was until somewhere in between they became less skinship-y.

Not anymore tho, because Hoseok has stopped giving a shit :D

There's a comfortable silence, which surprises Hoseok because in this time Jimin would often make a sassy comeback. But Jimin stayed quiet, his face still buried in his pillow.

"You know, you've really been acting weird lately. Did something happen?" Hoseok asks, now beginning to feel slightly worried.

Jimin shakes his head.

"Then why are you so quiet?"

"It's just... this feels nice."

Hoseok smiles, looking at Jimin's fluffy hair.

He lies down on his side, keeping his gaze on his crush.

"What am I going to do with you, Minnie?"

Jimin sighs in return, turning his head to finally show half of his face to Hoseok.

"I don't know what to do with myself either."

Hoseok pouts.

"Awh, babe" he cries out, rolling onto his stomach and swinging his arm over Jimin's back, running his fingers along it.

"You've been acting weird lately as well, aware of that babe?" Jimin mocks.

Hoseok laughs out loud.

"I'm just returning the love you're giving to the wrong guy."

Jimin groans.

"You're really fucking annoying with that but I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear anything because I'm done with your shit about Jungkook."

Hoseok scoffs, "he wanted to show you his room."

"So?" Jimin raises an eyebrow.

"If you actually expected a house tour you'd be very disappointed because the only thing he would show you would be his baby carrot," Hoseok says, "and I'm not talking about actual veggies here."

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