17 - Bad boyfriend

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"Shit, sorry" Jimin mumbles under his breath when he messes up the steps once again.

"It's no problem, we'll go from the top" Hoseok says and jogs to his phone to restart the music. Jimin runs his hands though his hair frustrated.

He had already learned the basic moves to the dance and was now taught more advanced steps that, according to Hoseok, would make the dance seem more elegant.

But something's off today.

For some reason Jimin just can't seem to focus. Hoseok noticed that as soon as the latter walked in. Something about the vibe he was giving off didn't seem right and Hoseok did ask him what was wrong, however Jimin simply shook his head and Hoseok decided to put it aside and just focus on teaching him.

"Do you need a break?" Hoseok asks.

Jimin nods his head and then walks over to where his water bottle was placed on the floor. He sits down, ignoring the free benches and leans his back against the cold wall. He takes a few sips of his water and then puts the cap back on the bottle, placing it to it's original place.

Hoseok fiddles with his phone yet worry fills within him the longer he watches Jimin not be okay.

He walks over to the shorter male and slides down the wall next to him.

"Jimin" he words out, receiving a small hum as a reply.

"Please tell me what's wrong" Hoseok begs.

Jimin stays quiet for a second and suddenly stands back up.

"It's nothing, let's go back to dancing."

Hoseok sighs, getting up as well. He goes over to his phone and pauses before he could press the song's title.

"Do you wanna try dancing in pairs instead of dancing just next to each other?" he asks. "Maybe it'll be easier for you to understand that way."

"Fine" Jimin says back, not sparing a glance at the elder.

Hoseok doesn't pay much thought to it and simply clicks on one of the songs. The soft music soon erupts from the speakers and he joins Jimin in the middle of the practice room.

"Okay, come stand in front of me."

Jimin does as told and comes to stand in front of the latter, yet a bit farther than Hoseok wanted him to.

Nevertheless, Hoseok grabs his forearms and brings him just a tiny bit closer.

"Okay, now hold my hand like this," he says and takes Jimin's hand, "and extend it a bit like this."

Jimin does as told, avoiding Hoseok's gaze.

"Now put your other hand on my shoulder."

Jimin reaches out and rests his other hand on Hoseok's broad shoulders as told. Soon he feels Hoseok's hand on his shoulder blade, pulling him a bit closer.

"Alright, now we're going to do the steps we've already learned. When my right foot goes forward, you left foot goes backwards and so on." 

Jimin nods, bringing his left foot a step back, before bringing his other foot back as well, and then together. He then takes as step forwards with Hoseok smoothly going along with his moves.

"Like that yeah, but you have to come a bit closer or else it looks awkward" Hoseok says.

Jimin sighs and moves just a few centimetres forward. 

Last Dance // j.hs + p.jmWhere stories live. Discover now