27 - You've still got time

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"There is no way you came to my house party wearing a fanny pack."

Namjoon groans, looking at Hoseok who arrived earlier for the party. Hoseok looks down at his choice of fashion, offended, before shooting Namjoon a death glare.

"But it's green."

"Even worse" Namjoon replies, pulling the latter into the house. "Yoongi will be here in a couple minutes with some extra booze. How about you go up to my room and change?"

"How about I just take off the fanny pack?"

"How about you go up to my room and change?" Namjoon repeats, hoping Hoseok will get the hint that his outfit sucks.

Hoseok gets it. He rolls his eyes, throwing his head back in the process before storrilng upstairs into Namjoon's room. He takes off the fanny pack, opens the latter's closet and begins ramming through clothes.


"Holy shit--"

He turns around, spotting a brown-haired boy his age sitting on Namjoon's bed with a friendly smile.

"How did I not see you before?"  he questions himself outloud, watching as the boy stands up and extends his arm.

"I'm Jin" he introduces himself.

Hoseok glances the boy up and down before shaking his hand, "Hoseok."

"I understand you don't know how to dress--"

"Wow, it feels like I'm wearing ripped jeans at a family gathering" Hoseok rolls his eyes and turns back to face the closet. Jin looks at him with a raised eyebrow, "what?". "You're insulting me" Hoseok pouts, once again looking through the clothes that were hung in the closet.

"You're wearing a fanny pack, you asked for it" Jin chuckles. He then walks next to the latter, making Hoseok take a step away.

"I think a jean jacket would suit you" Jin says as he pulls at the jacket inside. Only now, looking at Jin's features up close, Hoseok finally recognises the boy. He gasps outloud, unintentionally pointing at Jin's face in the process.

"You're that princess guy!" 

Now it was Jin's turn to roll his eyes.

"I'm a queen, but yes, you have the right guy in mind."

"You showed up at Namjoon's party?"

"The poor guy was on his knees for me in the school's bathroom, begging me to give him  chance while I was peeing. What was I supposed to do?"

"Keep him kneeling?" Hoseok shrugs.

Jin laughs, making Hoseok laugh along at his joke.

"You're funny, I can see why Jimin likes you so much."

Hoseok snaps his head to the latter upon hearing the words. "He likes me?"

"Well duh, you're his best friend" Jin snickers at the dumb question.

Hoseok chuckles awkwardly, "oh, right." Jin observes as the guy next to him scratches the back of his head while looking down at the clothes. He sighs, "you like him much more than a best friend should, though."

The other boy bites into his bottom lip, not even trying to deny the obvious fact that was made. He can see the pity in Jin's eyes.

"You know he has a boyfriend though right?"

"I know, don't worry, I'll give up soon."

Jin frowns, stacking a pair of black ripped jeans onto the pile of clothes he has collected during the conversation.

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