15 - You're a beautiful baby boy

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a coward.

"Sorry, I got caught up in the moment, you just looked so cute and I felt like I needed to comfort you because you were crying but I guess the alcohol kind of took over so instead of a hug I pushed myself onto you and you have a boyfriend I'm--"

"Wait, wait, wait. You drank?" Jimin asks.

Hoseok shrugs, "a little."

"You drank and then proceeded to drive all the way here?"

Hoseok shrugs once again "I'm not that drunk."

"If you're drunk enough to kiss your taken best friend, you're way too drunk" Jimin says.

Hoseok stares at him for a second, did he just get somewhat rejected again?

This can't be fucking happening.


"Get out, we're changing seats and I'm driving you home" Jimin says, and walks out of the car.

Hoseok sighs, his eyes teary for a second but he quickly pushes the tears back and exits the car as well.


In a tense and silent drive, Hoseok is facing away from Jimin, his eyes swerving through the city lights as Jimin hums to the quiet music illuminating from the radio while driving.

Hoseok sighs.

"I'm really sorry for kissing you" he says.

Jimin looks at his side, only able to see the back of Hoseok's head since the latter is looking out the window.

He notices cut on his head from the impact earlier and a few strands of hair darker due to the blood, which luckily stopped running and dried soon as the cut wasn't too deep. Guilt fills up his chest and he makes a mental note to treat the wound when they arrive to Hoseok's place.

"It's fine, you're drunk" Jimin says.

Hoseok pulls the hood of his jacket over his head and leans his elbow on the window, nuzzling half of his face into the sleeve as he begins to feel the tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry for pushing you," Jimin says after a few seconds of silence "I didn't mean to hurt you."

Hoseok mentally scoffs.

"On the bright side, my first kiss got stolen by someone who genuinely cares about me, so I guess it's not that bad" Jimin chuckles, trying to lighten up the mood.

Hoseok chuckles as well. "You have no idea" he responds, his mind swimming back to the memory of a young Hoseok stealing Jimin's first kiss when the latter was a sleep.

And then his eyebrows crash in confusion.

"Wait," he says, receiving a humming sound from Jimin who iss focusing on the road.

"You and Jungkook never kissed?" he asks.

Jimin sighs.

"Kookie wanted to kiss me on many occasions actually, but I always denied him."

"Why would you do that?" Hoseok wonders.

"I don't know," Jimin shrugs, "I guess I just wanted my first kiss to be special."

Hoseok scoffs "now I feel like an even bigger asshole."

Jimin smiles "don't, at least your lips are soft."

Hoseok feels butterflies escape his heart and smiles warmly. He sits up straight, looking at the front of the road.

"In that case, if you ever need a hot makeout session when your boyfriend's out of town," he turns to face Jimin and points at himself "I'll be happy to abuse your luscious lips anytime."

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