12 - It's just a prank call

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"No way we're playing that" Yoongi groaned as he watched Namjoon sit down between him and Hoseok with a bottle he found in his parents' pantry.

"Oh come on, it's fun" Namjoon exclaimed, placing the green bottle in the middle of the small circle.

Hoseok looked at the bottle and his eyebrows crashed when he realised something.

"The bottle is still full" he pointed out.

"Right, so listen. We spin the bottle, whoever the top of the bottle points at gets either a truth or a dare and the person who spun it has to dare them or ask the question, but before the other person answers or does the dare, they need to take a big gulp of the alcohol inside the bottle."

"We're not legal yet" Hoseok said, making the two boys stare at him boringly.

"So what? No one will know, plus we'll take care of each other" Namjoon shrugged.

"Other than that, there's only three of us, isn't that too boring?" Yoongi asked.

Namjoon smiled "right, there's only three of us, and whatever we see, hear or do tonight will only remain between us. That's better than having a circle of 20 people who will tell everyone what kinds of embarrassing dares ya'll had to do." 

"There's no point in spinning it tho."

"Fine then let's just choose who does the dare first and so on."

Hoseok and Yoongi shared a glance, thinking for a second before deciding to not give a shit and roll with it.

"I'll start" Yoongi said and took a drink out of the bottle before closing it up. His eyes narrowed at the two boys.

"Hoseok" he spoke up after a few seconds of silence.

Hoseok froze for a bit, before gulping down the lump in his throat.


Yoongi smirked, his eyes travelling to Namjoon.

"I dare you to give Namjoon a lap dance."



Those were the words coming out of Yoongi's mouth as the poor, drunk boy stood in the balcony, screaming his lungs out while the two friends were filming him and giggling in the background.

"Okay, okay, you passed" Namjoon said, afraid that they might get complains from neighbours later on.

Yoongi walked back in, closed the door behind him and took a gulp from their third bottle of unknown alcohol.

"Aigh, Namjoon, I choose you!"

Namjoon smirked "dare me then."

The bleached guy took a sip of the alcohol, before staring at Yoongi, waiting for him to give him an order.

"I dare you... fuck" he groans as his stomach rumbles.

His eyes glanced at Hoseok, who was sitting on the couch, observing.

"Hoseok, I gotta take shit. Namjoon, I dare you to do whatever dare Hoseok gives you" he said before he made a dash for the bathroom.

Hoseok let out a loud laugh before looking down at Namjoon.

"So, what will it be?" Namjoon asked.

"I dare you" Hoseok started and then paused for a second to think. Suddenly a mischievous smile appeared on his face and Namjoon knew damn well that it's about to be something evil.

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