8 - Hopeful doubts

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With a slight push he opens the door and carries the bags inside. He smiles at the smell of fresh cooking coming from the kitchen and pushes the door closed with his foot. The smell gets stronger as he walks further into the house, carrying the heavy bags that contained groceries.

"Babe?" he calls out as he reaches the kitchen and places the white bags on the counter. His eyebrows furrow in confusion as he looks around the place.

The smell of delicious food is still lingering in the air, yet the stove is empty.

He turns around and on the dining table he sees dirty dishes scattered around along with forks and spoons for two. He picks up one of the plates, examining it for a slight second before something else catches his attention.

There is music. Familiar to his ears yet unknown to his mind.

"Babe?" he calls out once again before walking back to the hall, looking for the source of sound.

His gaze darts up the stairs and with slow steps he follows the melody upstairs.

As he walks upstairs he is met with the pictures of his memories, yet he simply passes them by. He doesn't know why, but he feels this uncomfortable feeling filling up his lungs, making it harder to breathe.

Some kind of ... fear?

He reaches the top floor and the music gets louder. The singer's foreign lyrics send shivers down his spine, the tone of the lady's voice making him even more uncomfortable.

It gave him this scary vibe, yet he has no time to think about the song as he is still focused on finding his lover.

All of the doors are closed, except one wooden that are slightly open.

His feet drag him to it and he lifted his head up and leaned forward to peak through the gap, his hand merely pushes the door to open it only a bit wider.

And there he found his lover.

The music suddenly sounded quieter as his ears caught the sound of moans, breaths and skin slapping.

He says nothing and only watches as his lover made love to another guy, by grinding on top of him.

His heart stings and he can't bring himself to say anything. He just keeps staring, wide-eyed, hoping that he accidentally confused the figures. Yet all of his hopeful doubts disappear when this lover turned their head to face him.

"Jimin?" he asks, his eyes forming tears.

Jimin sees him, yet doesn't stop what he's doing. His body keeps bouncing up and down the guy's length with a slow pace, his mouth falling open in the process as he keeps his gaze locked with the watcher.

A pain in his chest is felt and he lets out a gasp, recognising the familiar face that he tried to avoid in the hallways of his school.

Jungkook; he doesn't see the boy standing at the doorway. He nuzzles his head in Jimin's neck and harshly bites down on the latter's skin.

Jimin lets out a lewd high-pitched moan and smiles at the speechless guy.

A smile that could be considered innocent, yet it's too sinful.

And then

he hears beeping.


"AH!" he gasps as he jolts up awake.

His body is covered with sweat and as he wipes at his cheek he realises he must've been crying in his sleep. He averts his gaze to his nightstand, on which lays a phone, alarming him that it's time to get ready for school.

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