18 - Thank you for a lovely time

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"Can you please tell me where we're going?" Jimin begs as he sits in the passenger's seat with Hoseok driving.

"We, my lovely friend, are going on a date" Hoseok smiles.

Jimin chuckles "I have a boyfriend, thank you."

"A boyfriend who says you're a bad boyfriend when in reality your boyfriend is the bad boyfriend" Hoseok says nonchalantly.

"He's not a bad boyfriend, besides, what makes you think a date with my best friend is going to fix things?"

"Because on this date your best friend will show you exactly how you should be treated in a relationship," Hoseok replies, "emphasise the word SHOULD BE because you, my love, ARE NOT."

"Okay, I get it, you don't like Kookie but please at least try to be nice. And stop with the nicknames, they suck" Jimin says with a giggle at the end.

"Failed to do so, my apologies" Hoseok smiles back.

Jimin just chuckles and shakes his head.

"Well then, where are you taking me?" he asks.

"Somewhere we went when we were kids and have wanted to go again ever since."

Jimin raises an eyebrow at Hoseok "and where is that?"

"You'll find out soon, bub."


"No. Fucking. Way" Jimin mouths breathless as he now stands in front of a huge, colourful sign. He looks back at Hoseok with the same amount of amazement painting his face.

"You remember this?!"

"How could I forget, you've always been crazy about the arcades" Hoseok chuckles.

Jimin continues to stare at the sign while Hoseok steps up to the ticket-machine-thingy (register?) and pays for tickets.

He then walks back to the still-stunned Jimin and for a second just stops to look at him. He was in his simple everyday clothes; an oversized sweater and ripped jeans yet somehow he always looked so beautiful to Hoseok.

He takes a deep breath.

This is it Hoseok, a date with Jimin you've always wanted.
Know your boundaries tho he has a boyfriend lol.
Great you just brought your own mood down by thinking, just go up to Jimin and focus on him you asshat.

He walks up next to him and quickly takes Jimin's hand in his larger one. The action makes Jimin tear his gaze away and look at his hand and then up at Hoseok.

"What are you doing?" he asks a bit taken aback.

"This is a date, remember? When you're on a date make sure to always hold your lover in some way."

"Awh, that's so--"

"Cause if you don't they'll run away from you and ignore your calls."

"-- ...sad?"

Hoseok chuckles "c'mon let's go, I still gotta beat your ass at King Of Fighters."

"You're on."

"The loser pays for dinner" Hoseok adds.

"We're going to have dinner?" Jimin asks.

"If there's no food, it's not a date."


"You should've seen your face!!" Jimin chuckles as the two exit the arcade three hours later. 

No longer are they holding hands, instead Hoseok has his arm around Jimin's shoulders and Jimin iss hugging Hoseok's waist as they walk.

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