28 - Worse than a simple rejection

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"So I was thinking," Namjoon said as he rolled around the floor onto his stomach to look at Hoseok, who was sitting on his bed. "Now that you officially accepted the fact you're the dick-over-pussy-type --"

"Please don't call it that," Hoseok groaned, throwing his body backwards on the bed.

"Shit my bad, Jimin-over-pussy-type," Namjoon teased with a raised eyebrow, "why don't you just tell him how you feel?"

Hoseok looked at him nonchalantly, "you think I haven't tried?"

He pulled himself back into a sitting position and looked out the window. "I've said it so many times, I don't know if he's either too dense or too straight to understand."

Namjoon snickered, "no way he's straight." He got up and walked towards his desk, picking up his glass of water to take a sip, "he has to be at least bisexual."

"You can't just assume someone's sexuality based off their ass, Namjoon."

Namjoon threw his hands up in surrender, "fine, then how about you make me a promise."

Hoseok raised his eyebrow amused.

"Depends, what is it?"


"No way in hell."

Namjon groaned, "look, we're starting high school tomorrow. By the end of high school you need to tell him your feelings --"

"I've tried that --"

"-- and make him understand what they mean."

Hoseok sighed, running his fingers through his own hair.

"What if he doesn't feel the same way?"

"Honestly dude," Namjoon said, "this isn't even about him anymore. It's about you getting out of your comfort zone once and for all and get your facts straight. You like the guy, no way are you going to miss out on an opportunity to mean something more than a friend to him."

"And if he doesn't accept me?"

"Then you'll just have to deal with that and move on, no other way to say it honestly."

Hoseok frowned, "why can't I just move on from the start?"

Namjoon looked at him in disbelief. He walked over to the bed where Hoseok sat and sat down next to him.

"Imagine this," he said, keeping the eye contact with the latter to show how serious he is about this. "Years from now, you are still best friends with Jimin. You think you got over him and only think of him as a friend as you guys spend every day together until one day he comes up to you holding another guy's hand."

Hoseok's heart ached at the imaginary picture of Jimin with another guy.

"He introduces him to you as his lover and then proceeds to kiss him right then and there in front of you to show you how much he loves the guy. Suddenly, you've been replaced by another him. He's the guy that now walks Jimin to school and sits with Jimin at lunch. One thing that is different between Jimin and the guy and Jimin and you is only the fact that they are closer. And there you are, sitting with new people at lunch, because of the simple fact that you were too scared to admit your feelings to him, watching Jimin with another person, knowing damn well it could've been you this whole time."

Hoseok was found speechless. For a second Namjoon thought he went too far, but what he said was indeed true.

"Personally, I think that's worse than a simple rejection."

Hoseok gulped. He closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead, seeming to be deep in thought.


"Fine?" Namjoon asked.

Hoseok lifted his head back up, looking at Namjoon.

"I promise I'll make him understand by the end of high school, how does that sound?"

Namjoon smiled, playfully hitting the latter's shoulder, "that's my boy." Hoseok chuckled, holding in the pain he actually felt from the small punch.

Shorter chapter °3°
We're getting close to the end, hold onto your phones.
*drops herself*

[Lyrics Walls - Lonely (slowed down)]

-Attn xx

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