Chapter Two - Forks

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Chapter Two – Forks

Bella's POV

Today, I'm moving to the small town of Forks to live with my father Charlie because I was holding my mother back from traveling with Phil when he played in the minor league baseball, but Edward Cullen was also the other reason I wanted to go to Forks. My mother asked me, “Are you sure you want to go live with your father in Forks, Bella?” I told her, “Yes mom, I want to do this, I haven't seen Charlie in a long time.” My mother said, “Okay Bella, I just wanted to make sure.” Phil called to us from the car, “Are you two ready to go?” My mom said, “Yes honey, we'll be right there.” I grabbed my two suitcases full of clothes and got in the backseat, then we headed towards the air-port. My mother handed me my plane ticket and passport, she followed me along with Phil to the terminal where I only had a few minutes before I would be boarding the plane. My flight was called for boarding over the intercom and I got up, my mother pulled me in for a hug and said, “I'll miss you so much, Bella.” I replied, “I'll miss you too, mom.” Then I pulled away and picked up my suitcases before I got in line, within ten minutes I had boarded the plane and fifteen minutes later the plane took off towards Seattle.

Six hours later the plane landed in Seattle and quickly grabbed my luggage, I had to wait a few minutes in line before I could get off the plane. I was immediately greeted by Charlie and he pulled me into an awkward hug, I hugged him slightly and said, “Thanks for letting me come to live with you, dad.” He told me, “I was glad you wanted to live with me, I haven't seen you in a long time.” Charlie took my suitcases from me and lead me to his police cruiser, he placed them in the trunk and got into the driver's side. A few seconds later he put the police cruiser in drive and headed down the highway towards Forks, there had been silence between us for awhile.

Suddenly the speed gun clocked someone driving a silver Volvo going just a tad over a hundred miles an hour as they passed Charlie, he immediately turned his siren on and the person pulled onto the shoulder. I instantly recognized the person by reading their mind, it was Edward Cullen, I quickly unbuckled my seat-belt and hid from view. Charlie gave me a strange look and asked, “What are you doing, Bells?” I replied, “It's Edward Cullen, I don't want him to see me right now.” Charlie just shook his head at me and got out of the cruiser, I focused on their minds so I would hear the entire conversation.

Edward rolled down his window as Charlie approached, Charlie asked, “Do you know how fast you were going, Mr. Cullen?” Edward replied honestly, “Yes, a hundred-five miles an hour.” I thought to myself, “At least he wasn't going a hundred-twenty like he told he's done in the past.” I took a quick glance over the dashboard and saw his amazing golden-brown eyes, I ducked down swiftly because his eyes shifted to the rear-view mirror. He thought, “I must be having an hallucination, I just thought I saw my beloved Bella.” I thought, “Whoa, he definitely has been thinking about me since the last time I saw him.” Charlie told him, “You also passed in a no-passing zone, I'm afraid I can't be easy on you like I was last time, but I'll reduce the speeding by twenty miles and let off with a warning for passing in a no-passing zone; I'm afraid my daughter will get mad at me if I gave you a full ticket for both.” I rolled my eyes at them as they started laughing, I just kept hidden as Charlie wrote Edward the warning and a reduced ticket for speeding. Edward's thought warmed my heart, “I wish I knew when she was coming to Forks.” About a minute later Charlie handed him both slips, Edward glanced back one more time before taking off towards town.

I slowly got up on the seat as Charlie got into the cruiser again, I quickly buckled my seat-belt before we headed towards Forks. Charlie pulled into the driveway fifteen minutes later, I got out of the car after he turned the ignition off. Charlie opened the trunk and grabbed my luggage, then he lead me to my bedroom and explained the changes he made to it before leaving me alone to unpack. Charlie was currently calling the local pizza place and ordering a pizza, Charlie didn't know how to cook without almost setting the kitchen ablaze. I began to unpack my stuff which only took about ten minutes to do, then I decided to laid down for a few minutes until the pizza came. Charlie doesn't know about my gift of reading minds like my mother and Edward does, I don't know if I could tell him something like that at all. I started day dreaming about Edward like I have been for three months now, I just reveled in the thought of him.

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