Chapter Thirteen - Research

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Chapter Thirteen – Research

Bella's POV

It's currently Saturday night and as I had promised Alice I would begin my my research, but I decided to do it on the wolves from La Push first. After I got my dinosaur computer booted up and logged in, I got on Google and searched Quileute legends. I clicked on one of the very old legends because small symbol of a wolf by it, I began reading it after the page loaded. The Quileutes are descendant from wolves, they could easily turn into a wolf whenever needed to and protect their lands from other tribes or whatever was a threat to them. I continued to read further about how they figured out how they could shift into a wolf, that's when I realized they were shape-shifters. I headed back to the legends and clicked on the one that caught my eye, it was located towards and bottom and was called 'The Cold Ones.' One day the chief along with the wolves came across this enemy clan hunting on their lands, but they claimed to be different and that they fed off of animals instead of humans. The Chief formed a treaty with them to create an agreement with them, it was said that the Quileutes would stay off their if the Cullen's would stay off of theirs and if the Cullen's harmed humans they would be revealed to the pale faces.

I laughed nervously as things began to fall in place, this legend explained so much of what I realized about the Cullen's. It explained why Sam had warned Edward not break the treaty a few weeks ago, when both of them thought I had been sleeping and wouldn't hear their discussion. Emmett had been covered in blood and his clothes ruined, most likely from fighting with an animal before drinking it's blood. It made me realized why Jasper's eyes always turned pitch black when I blushed, it made him thirsty because he probably was new to the diet of drinking animal blood. Animal blood was on the Cullen's diet, I could only think of one supernatural being that drank blood: vampires. My heart began to race even faster at the revelation, so many times I could gotten close to death from being around them constantly. I shook that thought from my head because I knew the Cullen's would never hurt me, they drank blood from animals instead of humans.

All of a sudden someone standing behind me tapped me on my shoulder, I slowly turned around and let out a sigh of relief because it was just the sneaky pixie. I asked her, “What do you want, Alice?” She asked me, “Did you figure out what the wolves are Bella?” I responded, “Yes and in returned I figured out what your family is as well.” Alice asked with her arms folded across her chest, “What are we then?” I replied showing no emotion, “A creature of the night, a vampire.” She looked at me and asked in pure shock, “How did you figure out so fast?” I asked her, “Have you ever heard of the legend called the cold ones?” She shook her and said, “No, I don't know what you're even talking about.” I clicked on the legend again and moved aside so Alice could read it, she sat down in front of the computer and began to it read it carefully.

About three minutes later Alice backed away from the computer and asked, “Are you Afraid?” I rolled my eyes at her and said, “No and I never will be, you guys feed off of animal blood.” Alice told me, “I heard you saw Emmett covered in blood when his clothes were almost completely shredded.” I replied, “I didn't know it was blood until I passed him, the smell of it just made me sick to my stomach.” She giggled and said, “I guess you can't stand the smell of blood, can you.” I just ignore what she said and exited out of the website, then I erased my search history encase Charlie or Edward tried to log onto my computer to see what I had been searching online. I kept tabs on Alice's mind and noticed she put up a barrier for some reason, I got passed the block and growled in anger instantly. I turned to Alice and asked snarling, “Who in the hell is in Edward's room, Alice?” I scared her so much she stuttered, “Ta...Ta...Tanya.” I asked her, “Who is she?” Alice responded, “She's from our cousin coven, she's a succubi.” Then I asked, “Then what's she doing with him?” Alice replied with a sigh, “She's trying to seduce Edward as usual, he just feels disgusted when she pushes her vulgar thoughts into his mind.”

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