Chapter 19 - Charlie's Confession And Prom

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Bella's POV

It was the night before prom, Charlie and I were all alone because Edward was hunting tonight. I could feel Charlie glancing my way a few times, I wondered if he had something to tell me. Charlie turned the TV off and looked over at me and said, "I think now is the best time to tell you about my first encounter with James." I told him, "Yes, I definitely want to hear this." He sighed before he began, "Well, I had been dating this other girl, before I met your mother. I was seventeen at the time, we were very much in love."

Charlie paused before he continued, "One day we were walking through the woods, when I suddenly felt we were being watched. Maria had asked, "Do you feel that? I think we're being watched. I don't like it." I told her, "Yes, I don't like it either. I just wanted to be alone with you." Then I yelled, "Leave us alone." A figure emerged from the woods and said, "Hello, my name is James. Today, I'm going to end your miserable lives." Maria cried out, "What are we going to do, Charlie?" I whispered in her ear, "Run." Then I turned around to face James, he sneered at me before he took off after Maria."

 Charlie let his words sink in before he continued, "When he went after her, I ran after him. He was just a few hundred yards in front of me when I came across him, he had his hands on my beloved Maria. I growled out, "If you harm her, I'm going to make you suffer." James turned towards me with a wicked grin, then he came after me. He found out the hard way I was much stronger than him. I regret not killing him that day, since the next day they found Maria dead in her bed." I asked Charlie, "You showed him mercy." Charlie replied, "Yes, that's the biggest mistake I've ever made." Then I asked him, "Is he the only vampire you ever encounter?" He answered, "Well, I had to kill a few on occasion." 

After Charlie said those few words he turned the TV back on, it was just hard for me to believe Charlie could kill vampires. At least I wouldn't have to worry about him being unprotected, since he could be his own weapon when needed. He looked over at me when I asked, "Is there anything more to the story?" Without saying a word Charlie shook his head no, but I had the feeling he wasn't actually telling me the truth.

All of a sudden Charlie jumped when I said, "I know you're not telling me the whole truth, dad." He looked over at me and sighed before saying, "Our family has a history with vampires. The ones of us who are vampire slayer's normally have a strong scent, it usually drives the vampires crazy with thirst. James definitely wasn't the first vampire I met, he certainly won't be the last." I told him, "Vampires just love Washington." He nodded his head in agreement and turned back to the TV, but I had one more question for him. 

He looked back over at me as I told him, "There's something I need to ask you." Charlie asked, "What is it, Bells?" I asked him, "Has anyone in our family ever drank vampire venom?" He replied, "Never, it could be highly dangerous." I informed him, "Well, I've been drinking it. If I don't drink it, I end up passing out." He looked at me concerned and said, "Be careful, Bella." I told him, "I will, it actually makes me stronger and faster." Charlie didn't say another word, I didn't mind about that either....

Edward's POV

Bella was a sound asleep as I entered her room a quarter passed midnight, she looked so peaceful I couldn't help but smile. She wrapped her arms around me, when I moved to lay right beside her. I placed a kiss on top of her head, which caused her to sigh in content. She subconsciously snuggled against me, which I found I liked a little too much. She sensed my excitement and woke up, when she looked at me I knew Bella found it amusing.

 She told me with a simper, "It does take much to give you a boner, does it." I replied, "I'm glad you find this amusing." She responded, "Well, I suppose I could help you get some relief." Bella quickly got on top me without saying another word, then she started grinding against my rock-hard member. I watched as she grabbed a condom off her nightstand, before she removed my boxers and pants in one pull.

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