Chapter Four - Not Enough Time

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Chapter Four – Not Enough Time

Bella's POV

The rest of the week I sat with the Cullen's at lunch, Alice had remained quiet and I knew that was unusual for her because I read it in the others minds. My ribs have finally stopped hurting and I was grateful for that, but it didn't really matter because I'm going to die soon anyway. I told Alice, “I'm sorry I told Edward about the vision, I tried to keep it to myself but he was persistent.” Alice replied, “I'm not mad at you Bella, I just wish things would end differently.” She acted like she was trying to send a signal to Edward for some reason, but I didn't understand why because he was human or I think he is anyway. I've noticed a difference in the Cullen's than I do from other people; they're graceful, unworldly beautiful, skin is ice-cold and not soft, and all of them have golden-brown eyes that can actually change color.

Emmett brought me back to reality by asking, “What vision were you guys talking about?” Alice replied hastily, “None of your damn business, Emmett.” He complained, “Oh come on Alice, I want to know.” Edward was about to blow up at Emmett, so I quickly spoke to Emmett, “Will you stop asking? Edward's one second from attacking you if you don't, the vision wasn't a good one lets just leave it at that okay.” I rubbed Edward's back as I tried to calm him down, Jasper alerted me in his mind as when Edward had completely calmed down and I wondered if Jasper had helped with the process of calming down Edward. I kept tabs on his mind a lot because he had me confused about why his eyes turned pitch black every-time I blushed; Edward's eyes had been pitched black when I first saw him, I think they were that way because he wanted to kill those guys for hurting me....

Later that night I emailed my mother because I haven't talked to her all week, she sent me several emails as I figure she would. The last few she acted like she was panicking like crazy, I wondered if she drove Phil insane because she worried herself sick over why I haven't message her yet.

Dear Mom,

Don't give yourself a panic attack, I'm fine; I just haven't been on the computer that much, this thing is ancient and runs so slow. Charlie bought me a truck as a homecoming present and I love it, he got it from Billy. I met my soul mate again, he goes to the high school here in Forks. I know he feels the same way I do about him because I read it in his mind, we sit together at lunch. How are things going with you and Phil? Has technology repelled you yet?



I just couldn't help but laugh when I asked her if technology had repelled her yet, I knew she was having a hard time learning how to text and always losing her charger for her cell phone. After I clicked on send I logged out of my email and shut the computer off, before I changed into my flannel pajamas because I was going to go to bed early. Charlie planned on going to La Push to fish with Billy tomorrow, he would be gone by the time I woke up. I climbed in bed with my MP3 Player in hand and turned it on, after I was comfortable underneath the covers. I turned the lamp off the by the side of my bed and closed my eyes as I began to listen to the classical music, at some point I fell into a deep sleep and dreamed of my Edward Cullen the whole night.

The next morning I woke up around eight o'clock and headed the bathroom to take a shower, once I felt nice and clean I turned the shower off and wrapped a towel around myself. Then I went back into my bedroom to put on a flannel shirt and a pair of faded blue jeans, I could hear movement coming from downstairs and peered out the window to find that Charlie's patrol car was gone. I stopped blocking other people's thoughts from my mind and found out it was Edward downstairs, he was currently making breakfast for me. After I combed my hair I quietly made my way down the stairs into the kitchen, I stood a few feet behind Edward with my arms folded across my chest with a smirk plastered on my face.

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