Chapter Three - First Day

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Chapter Three – First Day


Bella's POV

I woke up the next morning and smiled brightly at the thought of seeing Edward, I had the feeling I would be seeing him today. I would be starting my second half of my Junior year at Forks High School today, I just hoped everyone wouldn't be staring at me all day. I turned my alarm clock off and headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower, seven minutes later I turned the shower off and wrapped myself in a towel before heading back to my bedroom to find myself something to wear.

My ribs were still killing me from falling down the stairs last night, I needed to take some ibuprofen so I could at least stand the pain until lunch. Once I reached the kitchen I pulled a box of cheerios out of the cupboard and grabbed a bowl, I poured some cereal in it and added a little milk to it before sitting down at the table to eat my breakfast. It was almost seven o'clock by the time I finished eating my cereal, I walked over to the sink and placed my bowl in it. Thoughts of Edward began to run through my mind again, he always seemed to appear in my mind since the day he saved my life.

I poured myself a glass of orange juice and took three ibuprofen for the pain in my ribs, then started washing the dishes I dirtied today. After I had the dishes done I placed them in the drying rack, I checked the time and saw it was only ten minutes past seven. I decided I needed to set my alarm clock for fifteen minutes later, I was going to be at the school real early today. Charlie had bought me a backpack along with the school supplies I would be needing, I checked to make sure Charlie had gotten me everything I need and he had. I headed back up the stairs to get my purse and cell-phone from my bedroom, then I walked down the stairs carefully because I didn't want a repeat of what happened last night....

About ten minutes later I pulled into the school parking lot and parked in the back, I made my way towards the administration office. I approached a middle age woman behind the desk by the name of Ms. Cope, I said, “Hello, I'm Bella Swan; I'm here to pick up my schedule.” She went through a pile of papers on her desk, she said, “Here you go dear,” as she handed me my schedule with a slip I needed my teachers to sign and a map of the school. I thanked her before I left the building and looked at the map as I made my way towards my first class: American Literature.

The teacher signed my slip and pointed to the unoccupied seats in the back, some of the students gave me a funny look for some reason and I didn't know because I was blocking their thoughts from my mind. A girl with blond hair and golden-brown eyes came over to me along with a guy with black hair had the same color eyes as her, she said, “You're sitting in our seats.” I rolled my eyes at her and asked, “Are there assigned seats?” She replied, “Well, no, but..” I cut her off, “Then you don't have claim over this seat.” Everyone in the classroom was staring at me in shock, which I didn't understand at all and I completely stopped blocking everyone's mind. She asked me in a harsh voice, “Who do you think you are?” I replied with a smirk, “Bella Swan.” Recognition clicked in both of their minds, they were Edward's adoptive siblings. I answered their thought, “Yes, I'm the one he saved in Phoenix three months ago and I should warn you that I can read minds.” The guy said, “We're well aware of that, my brother Edward told us about your gift.”

The guy Emmett lead the girl Rosalie to the other side of the classroom, she acted so stuck up for some reason and I didn't really care. Rosalie warned me in her mind, “You better watch what you say, I don't think you want to mess with me.” I warned her back in a low voice, “Are you threatening because I don't think Edward would be happy with you about that.” She groaned in annoyance and I just smirked at her, Emmett found this to be amusing and started laughing at her. He instantly shut up when she glared at him, I guess she had a tight rein on him. I turned my attention to the front of the classroom as the teacher began giving a lecture after the bell rang, I began taking notes for the rest of the hour....

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