Chapter Twenty - The Meeting

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Chapter Twenty - The Meeting

Bella's POV

Edward was completely against the idea of me going to the reservation, he felt they might try to kill me again. I finally told him, "If you try to stop me you're going to be sorry, this needs to be dealt with whether you like it or not." He sighed and said, "Fine, but if they hurt you there will be war." When he turned away from me I rolled my eyes at him, he was just being completely ridiculous. It was driving me absolutely crazy. Edward told me, "I plan on spending as much time as I can with you this Summer. I hope you feel the same way." He smiled as I questioned him, "How else would I spend my summer?"

The meeting would be held a quarter to two, which was about an hour away. I told him, "I need to start getting ready for the meeting, okay." He asked, "Do you need my help?" He sighed as I answered, "No, I just need to fresh up. The less I smell like a vampire the better." Edward asked with a smirk, "Why is smelling like a vampire a bad thing?" I told him, "I don't think they'd like it if I came over there smelling like their enemy."

Edward told me, "Promise me you won't get hurt, that you'll come back in one piece." I sighed before telling him, "I promise I'll come back in one piece. You don't have to worry about me at all, I'll be fine." Edward informed me before leaving through my window, "I'll always be worried about your safety, even if you don't." I knew I didn't need to worry about getting hurt by the shape-shifters, since I had the powerful gift of being a shield. 

After I was finally ready I headed out to my truck and took off towards the reservation, the drive there was unusual quite. Victoria's thoughts were in my mind range and knew she was following me at a distance, she thought about attacking me on my way to La Push. Then she curse under her breath as two wolves from the wolf pack began chasing her, they had unknowingly ruined her plans and was grateful for that.

Once I had been driving for another twenty minutes I finally reached the outskirts of La Push, then I began following the directions Billy gave me to Sam's house. When I eventually pulled up to Sam's house Billy and Harry were waiting outside for me, after I got out of my truck I quickly approached them. Billy asked, "Are you ready Bella?" I told him, "I just hope they won't try to kill me again." Harry asked, "Why did they try to kill you?" He seemed shocked when I answered, "I drained a vampire dry in front of them, so they considered me a threat." 

The three of us headed inside the house without saying another word, Sam and the girl next to him looked up as we entered the kitchen. She greeted me, "Hello, I'm Emily." I held out my hand for her to shake as I informed her, "It's nice to meet you, I'm Bella Swan." Sam quickly told her, "Don't shake her hand, she hangs out with leeches." He seemed agitated as I corrected him, "I hang out with vampires, not leeches." He snarled out, "What's the difference?!" Billy told him, "Bella doesn't like the Cullen's being referred to as leeches." 

After a few seconds of silence I informed him, "A few of your members are chasing Victoria at the moment." He asked confused, "Who the hell is she?" I told him, "She's a bloodsucker that wants to kill me, she wants revenge for her mates death." Then he asked, "Who killed him?" Without thinking I replied, "Charlie and I, we killed the evil leech." When I realized what I said I took a few steps back, then I let out a long slew of curse words. I had just messed up and told them my own father could kill vampires. 

Billy asked in complete shock, "Did we just hear you say Charlie can kill vampires?" I told him, "Yes, but neither of you can tell him that I told you." Sam asked, "Does he drank their venom as well?" He seemed indifferent as I answered, "No, he actually doesn't think it's safe. I definitely regret drinking from a vampire the first time, it's addictive and I get weak if I don't drink at least a litter of venom a day; also I sometime feel like sinking my teeth into my mate, his scent just gets overwhelming sometimes." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2019 ⏰

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